& Dating

How To Decode Him – 17 Signs He Sees You Long-term
All the biggest signs that he is serious about you Are you dating a new guy and wondering if he sees a potential future with

My husband and I are separated and he is dating
How to react and how to handle the situation You are separated, not divorced. The distinction is important. You want to work on the marriage,

How to deal with a jealous boyfriend
The best tips and strategies to save your relationship The jealous boyfriend. Mildly flattering at first, increasingly annoying as time goes by. Especially since you

How do I attract a classy man?
How to find him and make him yours Classy men are looking for women that know how to carry themselves. To attract a classy man

How To Find A Good Man Who Will Treat You Right
Our 4-step guide to meeting the one You want to meet an amazing man. This task can seem difficult and daunting, but it really comes

Everything is always my fault in my relationship – The top 7 solutions
Does your partner like to play the blame game? He takes zero accountability but likes to point out all your shortcomings? He often tells you

Giving up on love
How to grow stronger and happier by not pursuing romantic love Giving up on love, it’s a bold statement. Most people would start protesting immediately,

How to not fall in love
The 6 strategies you need when you want to avoid catching feelings You’ve met someone and despite your initial attraction you have decided to not

Dating in Your 30s As A Woman – All You Need to Know to Survive
9 unusual tips on how to navigate the dating- jungle You know what makes dating in your 30s as a woman so hard according to

Will I be Single Forever?
We take a close look at this ever-present question Do you want to be single forever? Probably not. Since you are googling, “Will I be

How to get Supportive and kind Friends
Building deep and meaningful connections A best friend or a group of inspiring and fun-loving friends? Whatever your need, I have the solution. Fulfilling friendships

13 signs of a toxic relationship
What you need to watch out for It’s not easy to spot a toxic relationship from the beginning, and the reason for this is straightforward;

The Art Of Being Single – How To Stop Wanting A Relationship
9 life-changing strategies to get peace of mind I feel you. The itchy longing for love and the sad desperate loneliness gets to me as

How to flirt with a man
Improve your game and become a natural-born charmer Some women are naturals in the art of flirting. They move through life, charming all the people

Should I break up with my boyfriend?
Or as The Clash put it: Should I stay, or should I go? All relationships have ups and downs. Relationships take work; that’s what everyone

What does a rich man look for in a woman?
11 Things Rich Men Look For In A Woman Every man on the planet wants a woman who is attractive, fun to be around, and

How long does it take for men to attach?
3 categories of men and all the info on their modus operandi When it comes to how long does it take for men to attach,

Why do I love him so much?
13 top reasons why we love and how to handle different kinds of love Love is a lot of things. It can be bitter when

How to get over your crush?
8 steps to forgetting him fast and for good Having an unrequited crush is the worst. You can’t eat, you can’t sleep, and you have

How can I be a strong and independent girlfriend?
Learn how to be your own person in a relationship I know how easy it is to get swept away by the love train when

Is it okay to break up with someone to find yourself?
We help you figure out what’s going on You look at your perfectly fine relationship, and you wonder if there is something else out there.

What does a 40 year old man want in a relationship?
We answer all those important questions about men in their 40s You have met a man, and he is 40 years old, or older. Now

confessions of an emotionally unavailable man
What you need to know and how I feel I have dated enough beautiful amazing women to know I have a problem. I’m an emotionally

First date advice for women
You are going on a first date, congratulations. This is going to be fun. My first date advice for women would be to just lean

How to break up with your boyfriend?
Causing the least amount of pain and learning from the process Breaking up with someone is terrible. Just an all-around awful experience. Especially if he

How to heal from a toxic relationship
13 life-changing steps for deep healing Have you just left a toxic relationship? Congratulations. I know from my own experience exactly how difficult it can

What should I look for when dating a divorced man?
We help you navigate dating a divorced man You like him. He likes you. All great news. Only one little thing; he is divorced. Your

How to tease your crush
We give you all the best tips and methods to create fireworks by teasing To tease your crush is one of the best ways to

Why would a guy ask if you have a boyfriend?
We answer this intriguing question once and for all The short and widely agreed-upon answer to this question is that he asks because he is

Finding love after divorce
10-step guide to finding your next big love Getting a divorce is an earth-shattering experience. You used to be a part of a couple. Fixed

How to fix an unhealthy relationship
What you can do to make things better At the beginning of a new relationship, everything often seems perfect. We see what we want to

How to talk intimately with your boyfriend over text
Texting can be a lot of fun. It can also lead to a deeper connection between you and your boyfriend. Maybe there are some secret

12 Eye-Opening Signs He Pretends To Love You
Plus lots of solutions on how to deal with the situation Are you doubting if your beau loves you? He has done and said things

People Come Into Your Life For A Reason: Recognizing The Signs Of A Positive Impact
Plus the best tips on how to deal with toxic people It’s true that people come into your life for a reason. Everyone that enters

How to stop going back to a toxic relationship
6 life-changing strategies that will help you finally move on First of all; great question. Because life is hard sometimes, for all of us. You

I have nothing to offer in a relationship -How to fix this mindset
The offer of you is enough You are not born witty, charismatic, and with a great ability to listen to the people around you. Instead,

Love Bombing Examples
A comprehensive guide with lots of examples and solutions on how to handle the situation When someone shows you a lot of love, you respond

How do you keep a rich man interested?
All the best strategies to get him hooked for a lasting relationship You have found a rich man, and he has piqued your interest? Excellent

How to get a man to be vulnerable
We give you all the strategies to bring the two of you closer together We all want deep and meaningful relationships. The man in your

How to get your ex-boyfriend back
What you need to know and what you need to do According to Google statistics, how to get your ex-boyfriend back is certainly a popular

What To Do When He Is Distant But Still Texts – Decoding his behavior
11 Reasons Why And 6 Things To Do He seemed to be very interested in you. Taking you on dates, talking about the future, and

14 top Signs you will never get married
Will you stay single forever? Let’s talk about marriage. I go first; I have never been married, and I think I never will. I recognize

The biggest signs a man is falling in love
7 clear and obvious signs that he has feelings for you Are you unsure about his true feelings? When a man falls in love, he

Is online dating a waste of time?
We help you figure out the answer once and for all I have been on more than 40 first dates thanks to Tinder and Bumble.

Why Do Guys Always Leave Me For Someone Else?
We tell you the somewhat harsh truth You met an amazing guy, and everything seemed to be going great. You were patient, understanding, and charming.

How to tell if someone likes you
13 signs of attraction We have all been there, wondering if he likes us or not? Is he just being nice, a friendly guy? Or

how to be friends with someone you love
6 easy-to-follow steps to survive and keep your sanity Sometimes you meet someone truly amazing, you fall in love. Only later do you realize that

I’m not attracted to anyone
My personal journey and all my best tips on how to solve the problem I hear you. I have the same problem, sometimes it goes

What makes a woman memorable to a man?
Your guide to having a true impact; lots of advanced secret strategies revealed We all want to be memorable; we want to make a real

12 Early Dating Signs He Likes You – How To Become Aware Of It
All the cute ways he will give away his true feelings early on In the early dating stages, it can be hard to tell if

Why is it so hard to find someone?
The 5 reasons why and my different solutions Single people do not have it easy these days. In theory, the choices should be endless, but

Accepting you will never find love
How to deal with your situation and your sadness The notion of romantic love as something positive and something worth obtaining is an imperative part

Is it good to be mysterious in a relationship?
8 secret strategies to increase the X-factor in your relationship Being a bit mysterious in a relationship is a good thing. Even in a long-term

What Causes Insecurity In A Relationship – How Can You Fix This?
8 top reasons and lots of life-changing solutions We all have moments of insecurity. We might doubt that our partner loves us or that they

How to deal with rejection from a crush
A 7-step roadmap to full recovery When you get rejected by your crush, it stings. Part of the pain is that you didn’t get the

How to enjoy being single
All the best tips and tricks to make the most out of singlehood Your life might look nothing like Sex and the City, but if

How to know if a guy is flirting with you or just being friendly
13 signs to look out for When a guy treats you with special care, you are bound to start wondering; is he flirting, or is

When should a woman make the first move?
A pep-talk for getting the ball rolling To make the move or to not make the move, as Hamlet famously asked himself. Just kidding. Kind

how to get out of the friend zone with a guy
What you need to do and exactly how to do it He is a catch. You like him. The two of you get along. In

How to find love after 50
A woman’s perspective and personal journey This will not be one of those sunshine stories about how easy and fun it is to find

When you are the one who loves more
How to handle the situation and what you can do to keep your sanity Love. It’s a complicated thing. We all want love in our

Everything You Should Know When Dating A Man With Kids
10 top tips on how to handle your new role You have met a man. Only one thing you didn’t see coming; he has kids.

Why do I look for problems in my relationship? – The 8 main reasons and how to stop
Do you keep finding issues to worry about with your partner and with your relationship? The short answer is that you have a subconscious comfort

How do you get a guy to spoil you?
9 easy-to-follow steps that will make him love to spoil you You found a great guy, and he is charming, funny, and intelligent. Now you

How to appear more attractive as a woman
6 important habits you can start practicing today, and your attractiveness will skyrocket It might sound shallow to ask how to appear more attractive as

How to be an independent woman in a relationship
8 solid strategies for becoming strong and independent To be independent even when you are in a relationship is extremely important. Many people dive head-first

How To Get His Attention When He Ignores You – 10 Smart Moves
A roadmap to exactly what to do and what not to do A guy who ignores you is just so annoying and heart-wrenching, especially if

How to find and attract a high-value man
The ultimate guide to meeting your new man You have made the decision; you want to find and attract a high-value man. This decision has

Relationships are overrated
7 strong reasons why you shouldn’t go for that dead-end relationship Are you stuck at yet another boring couple’s dinner? Discussing the weather and the

What makes a woman intriguing to a man?
We help you amp up the charm and mystery First of all, I want to say that you can absolutely become more intriguing to a

Once a guy loses interest can you get it back?
10 top strategies to make him interested again In the beginning, he seemed super interested in you. He organized dates, asked you about the future,

14 Solid Signs Your Guy Friend Likes You But Is Hiding It
We help you decode him Are you not sure if your guy friend likes you or not? Is he just being friendly, or are there

17 signs your boyfriend is not sexually attracted to you
Let’s figure out what’s going on Are you suspecting that your boyfriend is not sexually attracted to you and you are constantly looking for signs

How to get a shy guy
How to know if he is interested and what to do about it Are you interested in a shy guy? That’s great, because shy guys

Can physical attraction turn into emotional attraction? – How to maximize romantic connection
6 foolproff strategies to turn physical attraction into emotional attraction The short answer is yes; physical attraction can absolutely turn into emotional attraction. Most men’s

What does it mean when a guy tells you personal things about himself
Plus 5 ways to respond to build attraction He leans closer, and the rest of the world fades away. His voice is very clear, and

How To Get Over Someone You Never Dated – Coping With Unrequited Love
9 crucial steps to healing and becoming yourself again He was never yours, but you loved him as intensely as is humanly possible. You loved

How to choose between two guys
Our step-by-step guide will help you decide which one to go for Well, first of all, congratulation. If you have two guys to choose between,

Do I like him or the attention? – 5 ways to tell the difference
Plus 7 important questions to ask yourself What are the signs that you are falling for someone? You have met a nice guy and the

What is Platonic Dating And How does it work
Going platonic? We give you all the necessary information to get you started There is a new beast in town, and it’s called platonic dating.

Second date advice for women
We give you all the best tips and strategies to nail the second date Second dates are tricky. Since you are on a second date,

How to fall in love
Techniques and strategies to make yourself feel love Falling in love is one of the greatest feelings we as humans can have. Falling in love

if he likes me why is he still online dating – Top 9 reasons
We take a look at the truth You are seeing this new guy, and everything seems to be going great. Well, until one day when

Do I Love My Boyfriend? How to Tell if It’s Real
9 ways to know for sure Your boyfriend is a great person, the two of you get along. But lately, doubt has enterd your mind,

How do I deal with a breakup without closure?
A step-by-step guide To Getting Over A Breakup With No Closure When a relationship ends, we want to understand why. We want to find out

how to text your crush without being boring
The 11 top do and don’ts of keeping your crush hooked Nowadays texting is a big part of the dating ritual. This is especially true

Why do people fall out of love – The top 11 reasons
We give you the explanation once and for all As the song goes; people fall in love in mysterious ways. This unexplainable magic also means

How do you know if you are dating the right person?
6 clear signs he is a keeper At the beginning of a relationship, it’s hard to see things for what they truly are. You are

How to get over your ex fast
The quick and foolproof way to get him out of your mind When you first break up with someone, it might feel impossible to get

How to get a guy to notice you
We teach you how to get his attention with these 10 easy steps Someone has caught your eye, and now you want him to notice

Am I intimidating or unattractive?
The 7 main signs that you are intimidating to men Guys never ask you out. In fact, you feel like you get zero male attention.

How to tell a guy you like him without actually telling him
We give you all the strategies to get the message across You like someone and now you want to make sure he knows how you

My best friend is dating my ex -How to react
A 7-step solution that will have you on the road to mental peace in no time When you find out that your best friend is

How to not be nervous for a date – 7 Life-changing Fixes For Date Anxiety
How to prepare and become cool as a cucumber An exciting date looming on the horizon? Congratulations. 😉 Dating is fun for some people, I

The psychology of male desire: How to recognize when a man desires a woman
Everything you need to know about male desire – How to recognize it and how to evoke it Can you tell if a man desires

How to make someone fall in love with you
A comprehensive guide with lots of strategies To make someone fall in love with you; pure witchcraft or simple psychology? The truth falls somewhere in

Do I Love Him Or The Idea Of Him – 7 Ways To Tell the difference
Ask yourself these important questions and find out the truth You want a relationship, that’s for sure. And now you have met a guy who

How to deal with your ex moving on with someone else
A complete roadmap to recovery and a bright future Seeing your ex with someone new, I think we can all agree; that’s just the worst.

Dating for Introverts
How to become better at the dreaded “put yourself out there”-game If you are a fellow introvert, you probably agree that you would rather spend

How to be more emotionally available
Love has the possibility to hurt you. To love someone is wonderful. But it also means opening yourself up to the possibility of being betrayed

14 types of guys who stay single – Should You Date One?
How to recognize them and how to act Have you just started dating a new guy, and now you wonder if he is boyfriend material?

How to make him miss you psychology
7 Strategies to make your life fun and have him thinking about you Can you use psychology to make someone miss you? Of course, you

Why guys lose interest
The 8 most common reasons and all the possible solutions Everything was going great; the two of you spent a lot of time together. You

How to make the first move on a guy
12 different sweet ways to make him yours You like him. Does he like you? You have no idea. He certainly hasn’t made the move