7 Strategies to make your life fun and have him thinking about you
Can you use psychology to make someone miss you? Of course, you can. We miss someone we want more of. We miss someone who makes us feel good about ourselves. In this text, I will give you the best psychological strategies to make him miss you.

How to proceed when you want him longing for you
Give him space because it’s in our nature to want what is just out of reach.
Do your own thing. This will make you more interesting and ensure that you have stories to tell when the two of you meet up.
Men are visual; make sure you look your best and tease him by being flirty.
We feel good when someone is easygoing and is having a good time, so be fun to be around.
On top of this, you should also be mysterious and unpredictable to make him think about you and miss you because you are like no one else.
Let’s do it
Sounds easy, right? Let’s take a closer look at each step to understand the psychology behind it. We will use the knowledge to our advantage to make him miss you.

To make someone miss you; have fun
Often when we want someone to miss us, there is some form of physical and emotional distance. The man in question might be living in another country. Or, the relationship between the two of you might have ended.
Or there was never a relationship, to begin with, but you still want him to miss you. You have to adopt these 7 psychological strategies to your unique situation, use your creativity, and don’t forget to have fun.

Work towards being happy and content with your life
To make someone miss you, the only thing you have to do is to have fun, be passionate and live your life.
You have to be happy and content with your life, and you have to be in a place where you have the energy to give to other people.
Be a positive force
This way, you become a person who is great to be around, and when you are gone, people are going to miss you.
When you want a specific person to miss you, the tactic is the same, if you are enjoying your life, he will see you as someone special who is not easily replaced.

1. Give Him Space
To give him space is the first rule of making someone miss you.
This works on a psychological level because we are more inclined to want something that is just out of reach.
If you are always available, answering his texts and calls, hanging out with him whenever he wants to, there is never the space necessary for him to start missing you.
You are predictable
He knows where he has you. He knows what you are up to. He knows that he could be together with you if he wanted to. You are too accessible, and he doesn’t miss you.

Have your own busy life
Instead, make sure you don’t always play along with what he wants. Answer his texts in an unpredictable way, sometimes fast, sometimes slow, sometimes not at all.
Be the first to hang up when the two of you talk over the phone.
Tell him you have plans
Just say you are heading to the gym or something similar. Something with adrenaline and sweat and other men around. This will make his mind play a short movie of you working out, surrounded by a bunch of hot guys.

Don’t always be available when he wants to hang out
Don’t always be available to spend time together. Men can always sense (it must be their sixth sense) if you pretend to be busy or if you are really busy with lots of fun things going on.
So don’t think you can bluff your way to achieve this one. You should be on your way to the gym, not reaching for the bag of crisps 😉
Wondering how to make a specific man yours without coming across as needy? Check out our articles How to make him commit without asking and When he pulls away do nothing.

2. Do Your Own Thing
We all like to be around people who have a lot of fun things going on in their lives. It’s just more dynamic. There are more things to talk about.
Be passionate about the things you like
Be sure that you are that person, do things you are passionate about and do them with intention and intensity.
You can, for example, go on a trip with a friend. This is a good strategy to make him miss you by using psychology, in this case, our fear of loss.

Take a break from social media
Don’t post everything on social media. This is just another way to be present in his life. He will know what you are up to. Instead, do a bit of social media cleanse and let him wonder what you are doing.
Stay true to yourself
Give him and the relationship space. Fill that space with things that are meaningful to you. We all have our own version of fun. Being busy means different things to different people.
It’s totally OK to be at home reading or listening to a podcast if that’s who you are.
The important thing is that what you are doing is something you enjoy and are passionate about. Something that makes your life richer.
3. Have Stories to Tell
Conversations and jokes are how humans connect and provide meaning to each other. This one ties into the two strategies presented above.
If you do things you love and focus a lot of joyful energy on them, you will have stories to tell. You will have things that you want to share with him, and that sparks discussions between the two of you.
Practice on friends
Being a good storyteller is not easy. It takes practice and preparation.
We often settle for mediocrity because it’s easy. We don’t have to put in an effort. Entertaining people and giving them something truly extraordinary takes more energy.
You can practice this strategy with friends, try and give them a nice experience when they are together with you.

Be present
Listen to them, be present. Be aware of how you make them feel and how big your contribution to the interaction is. Tell them interesting stories and try and make them laugh by making jokes you know they will appreciate.
Do active fun things together
You can also create stories between the two of you by doing things together.
This strategy is especially effective on men since most men connect by doing rather than talking.
So, if he has activities he enjoys, you should join him, or suggest activities you like.
He will see you in action, and when you are gone, he will miss you.
Becoming a part of the things he loves doing will make him miss you. This is simple psychology.

4. Flirt and Look Your Best
Men are visual creatures. This is a bit of a cliché but nevertheless true.
To make a man miss you, make sure you look your best, look sexy and feminine. Different men find different things sexy and attractive. Stay true to your version of sexy and feminine.
You just have to roll with this one
This is pure male psychology, and it will make him miss you.
It’s not especially fair or egalitarian.
I often roll my eyes at all the times men boasted over and seemed impressed by female beauty, thinking to myself that the woman in question was just born that way and that sort of beauty is only skin deep.
But this one, you just have to accept and roll with. We hear about how important sex appeal is from the men in our interviews.
(300 interviews done and more to come, to give you the best information about men and relationships, here at Her Brilliant Friend).

Be comfortable
When you feel you look good, you will be more comfortable, and you will have an easier time flirting and enjoying yourself.
Because the only thing better than looking at you, from his point of view, is flirting with you.
You can also ask him about what he likes and what turns him on. Most men enjoy talking about sex and sexuality. Just make sure you don’t feel inferior or jealous.
Use what you find out
When you know his weak spots, you can shamelessly use them to your advantage and make him miss you on a deep psychological level.
Just send a teasing text referring back to something he thought was sexy.
For more tips on how to flirt and look your best, check out our article How to appear more attractive as a woman.

5. Be fun to be around
We are drawn to people who make us feel good about ourselves.
This is the most fundamental truth of human psychology.
We remember how people made us feel, and you can use this knowledge to make him miss you.
Tap into his hero-instinct
You can boast the way he feels around you by using a few psychological tricks.
The first one is to make him feel like a hero. Men have a bit of a hero complex. They love to be able to help you.
So if he offers to do things for you, always accept and be grateful.
When he does things for you, it’s his way of showing how valuable you are to him. If you accept him in this, he will feel good around you and thus miss you when you are not around.

Ask him for recommendations
Another similar “trick” is to make him feel like he makes a difference in your life.
If he recommends you something, like an activity, go ahead and do it. Better yet, ask him for recommendations.
By doing this, you have more things to talk about next time. We all love to contribute to someone’s life. If we tell them about a great song or a great TV show, the bond will grow stronger, and he is more likely to miss you—a double win.

Notice in what way he is unique
Also, make sure he knows exactly why and in which way you think he is impressive.
Men thrive on their contribution to the world. They are goal-oriented.
So make sure he knows that you have accurately observed what makes him so special. Also, tell him in a subtle way why his efforts and his success are so impressive to you.
He will feel seen by you, and that’s something most of us are not spoiled with, so you will be special.

6. Be Mysterious
We all love a good mystery. We all like to try and figure things out. It’s human nature and simple psychology about how we are wired.
We survive by solving mysteries.
We read adventure stories and murder mysteries, all to try and understand the world and ourselves. Use this knowledge to your advantage when you want to make him miss you by using psychology.
Keep some things a secret
You can be the mystery for the man in question. The only thing you have to do is not tell him everything about yourself right away. Don’t always answer all the questions he asks you, be coy, do a bit of misdirection.
This way, he will enjoy trying to figure you out.

Let him get to know you slowly
Getting to know another new person is one of life’s pleasures, so don’t rush through this phase too quickly.
I’m sure you have a lot of different sides to you. Don’t let him see them all at once. We love to be pleasantly surprised by other humans.
We miss someone who is one of a kind.
Be different
We miss someone who cannot be easily replaced by just anyone. The more different sides you have to your personality, the more you stand out compared to everyone else. Make sure you are a person with lots of contradictions to your personality.

7. Be Unpredictable
Another smart strategy to use to make someone miss you is to be unpredictable.
Unpredictability is addictive, and we miss things we are addicted to. So why not make him addictive to you?
This strategy works well because our brain quickly deals with predictable behavior. We hardly have to think about it at all.
On the other hand, anything new, unexpected, or not fully understood is given more attention.

An unexpected reward
We become intrigued by people we can’t easily figure out.
I’m sure you have been around someone who you think acts unpredictably. You spend time thinking about them, and since you don’t understand them, they take up mental space, and you might even think you like them.
You become attached to the person in question because your brain spends so much time trying to understand them. The brain easily gets addicted to anything that supplies it with an unexpected reward.

Practice being unpredictable
If the reward is expected and reasonable, it’s just not as addictive.
Try to hand him a couple of unexpected rewards as a way to use psychology to make him miss you.
To manage to do this, think about how you would usually react and what you would do and say and then try to do the opposite. If you can’t predict yourself, he will not be able to understand you either.
Be unpredictable to yourself
This strategy takes a bit of practice. But it’s a lot of fun. An unpredictable life will be interesting for you as well. Be brave and embrace and say yes to things you normally would turn down.

A Final Note
I have given you a lot of strategies about how to make him miss you. I hope you use all of them with gusto. But if they don’t work, don’t despair.
Because the truth is, which I’m sure you already suspected, we can’t make someone miss us.
We can’t make someone love us.
We can’t make someone care for us the way we care for them.
All we can do is improve ourselves and our lives and be OK with not always getting what we want. Be OK with not making him miss you, and he will most likely end up missing you.

Moa Ailert is the founder and editor-in-chief of Her Brilliant Friend.
She has a bachelor’s degree in philosophy and plenty of insight into human psychology from traveling and living in different places around the world.
Moa is currently based in Portugal where she has a guesthouse; Villa dos Irmaos.
She has various websites, among others Ericeira Insider, but Her brilliant friend is her true passion project.