A woman’s perspective and personal journey
I have a confession to make. I have never been particularly horny. I don’t think about sex. I never masturbate. When I do have sex, I often wonder what all the fuss is about. Sex doesn’t even feel that good. Feeling like I was missing out and wanting to experience what everyone else was feeling, naturally, I was interested in instant female arousal pills. Was there anything out there that could help me become hornier?
- 1. Addyi
- 2. Vyleesi
- 3. Femestril
- 5. Horny Goat Weed
- 6. Natural sex medicine such as fenugreek and red clover
Sex is not exciting for me
For me, sex is equal to the trip you take once a year to see your old aunt. The aunt who always complains and makes you feel bad for not making the trip more often. You visit her out of obligation. You pretend to like it, but you would rather have stayed home and worked in the garden.
To deal with this problem, I have tried all the different instant female arousal pills that exist. Because sex is an important part of a happy, healthy relationship, I do realize that. I know this more deeply than most people.
I know how to fall in love. I have had as many relationships as the next woman. Both long and short relationships. The longest one spanned almost two decades and resulted in two great children and a painful divorce.

The situation is very frustrating for everyone
Trust me, I do feel bad. I understand how frustrating it must be to want sex and to be rejected by your partner. But not many people think about the opposite side of that coin. It is also very frustrating to not be able to give your partner what they so desperately want. To have a low sex drive is to constantly feel like the villain.
The various men in my life have had a higher sex drive than me. All of them. No exception. This always strikes me as ironic since there must be men who share my feelings about sex.
The men I happened to meet are those who wish to change me. I often wish to change myself and thus my quest for a solution to my problem and my journey into the strange world of instant female arousal pills.
I almost never have an orgasm
I have also always had a hard time having an orgasm. Or maybe it’s the other way around. My lack of sexual desire led to a lack of orgasm. That was at least the theory, thrown out by an ex-boyfriend while breaking up with me. I was just not horny enough to get an orgasm. His words hurt, but he had a point.
However, my condition has a name, hypoactive sexual desire disorder, and it’s not easy to treat. 1 out of 10 women will have a low enough libido to cause stress in their life, so I know I’m not alone in this problem.

My experience with natural sex medicine
A woman suffering from a low sex drive is nothing new. In the late eighties, at the verge of yet another breakup, I stumbled into one of those hemp-smelling shops that sell crystals, books about astral journeys, and incenses.
The woman working there instantly gained my confidence. She had long grey hair, braided with seashells and colorful ribbons. She also had a lot of tips on how to deal with my lack of horniness. Only a handful of them included a full moon and drinking your own menstrual blood.
The natural medicine appeared to be working
She gave me a mixture of different herbs aimed to enchase my sexual drive. She also recommended fenugreek and red clover. I still have periods when I take those spices as part of my routine. On top of this, she gave me an extract from a mysterious Chinese root I haven’t heard about since then.
Every day for three solid months I drank the mixture together with my morning coffee. I felt a tingling sensation in my stomach. My relationship recovered, and I do recall feeling hornier, but it can also have been a general joy for life.
If the herbs didn’t help wishfully thinking and the psychosomatic effect gave the desired result. The relationship was one of my best, and it ended for other reasons than sexual, a significant achievement on my part, I can assure you.
My experience with Addyi
Much later in my life, the problem remained the same, the introduction of the first FDA-approved medicine made its entrance. Addyi (generically known as flibanserin) started as an anti-depressant. The drug was approved in 2015. I don’t know what kind of person decided the design. Addyi really is a small pink pill. It looks very cute. My doctor and I decided that I should give it a try.
I took Addyi for five months, one pill every evening. I was in a new relationship, and everything was going great. The sex actually did feel very nice, and I can honestly say that I wanted more sex than I ever wanted in my life before.
Was it the little pink pill? Was it a thrill of a new relationship?
It was impossible to tell the difference. That’s the thing with suffering from low libido. It’s hard to tell exactly what the problem is.
I have recommended Addyi in different chat groups for women suffering from hypoactive sexual desire disorder. Addyi doesn’t work for everyone. In those chat groups, several women had tried the pill without getting any result.
The flip side of Addyi
Addyi also has a couple of glaring downsides. It’s expensive. I have a good financial situation, but even I hesitated at the price point.
Apart from the price, the biggest downside is that you can’t drink while taking Addyi. During my five months on the pill, I didn’t have a single drink. It’s surprisingly difficult not to drink in social circumstances. People want to know why you don’t drink. If you try to evade the question, some of them become aggressive in their search for a reason. All my respect to the sober sisters out there.
After five months my relationship started to fizzle. He traveled a lot for work. He stopped giving me attention. As a result, my desire faded. I craved a drink much more than I craved intimacy with my distant partner. When the relationship ended, I stopped taking the pill. I made myself a whisky sour and listened to Ned Zeppelin.
I would try again. I still refer to the relationship as my Addyi relationship.

My experience with Vyleesi
Vyleesi comes in a millennium pink package. It’s a cute-looking pen. There has been some hype surrounding this medicine. You inject yourself. It doesn’t feel as scary as it sounds. I don’t like needles, but I could easily do it.
For me, Vyleesi is a great medicine, the handful of times I have tried it, I did become a bit hornier. One time I even had an orgasm.
Although I have to say, nothing says it’s something seriously wrong with me as having to inject yourself 45 minutes before a love-making session.
Vyleesi doesn’t work for everyone
The drug affects hormones in the brain. It helps releasing dopamine associated with female sexual desire. In the trials, about 25% of patients treated with Vyleesi had an increase of 1.2 or more in their sexual desire score. In other words, for most women it doesn’t work. You might experience nausea, especially the first time you try Vyleesi.
I like Vyleesi because it’s more of an as-needed medicine, just as Viagra, thus more suitable if you are single or if you don’t want to take a pill every day.

In the chat groups for women with hypoactive sexual desire disorder, a couple of the women recommended Femestril. Femestril claims to be able to restore your sexual drive and arousal levels. Sounds good.
Femestril includes several potent natural aphrodisiacs and herbs known to improve female sex drive. Femestril contains both Fenugreek Seed Extract and Fennel seeds. It also includes Dong Quai Root. Was that the root I took already in the eighties? Impossible to say.
Unfortunately Femestril didn’t work for me
Reading the reviews, Femestril does sound very good. I tried for almost a year since, hoping for a miraculous change. But nothing happened, I didn’t see any difference in my mood, and I was my normal non-horny self during the whole period. Despite a couple of hot dates and trial and error in bed, I just couldn’t find my mojo.
The general consensus is that it only takes a couple of weeks for you to notice the difference, so don’t give up too soon. Regarding myself, I guess I’m just one of the people that couldn’t be helped by this herb mixture.
I would still recommend it since Femestril has helped many women.

Horny Goat Weed
If the name doesn’t put you off, you can give this cure a try. One reviewer said, “What I’ve noticed is an increase in actually wanting to have sex more often (which the hubby loves) and more arousal during the act itself.”
Another reviewer said, “Wasted money on two bottles and took it religiously, multiple times a day for three months. Did nothing, did not notice any difference in any aspect.”
The company has 5000 5-star reviews as well as some low scores on Amazon. You do get a free bottle of their product if you give them a good review. Horny goat weed is either brilliant or just another instance of a company selling snake oil.
I did have my strongest orgasm so far
Personally, I don’t think the pill helps. Maybe it’s just the name that makes me more skeptical than I was towards Femestril. However, I must admit that I had a couple of my strongest orgasms during the two years I was taking Horny Goat Weed.
I know; two years on Horny Goat Weed, I do really want to have a normal sex drive. The strong orgasms were due to the best lover I ever had. If you are a man and want to be able to give a woman the best sex she ever had, check out the pleasure keys.
He was just not the best boyfriend. I’m still thankful both to him and to Horny Goat Weed for catching a glimpse of what other people experience in the bedroom.

A Final Note
There are no such things as Viagra for women. The problem with hypoactive sexual desire disorder is not a physical one. Nothing enlarged blood vessels can take care of. It’s all in your head, and therefore very frustrating to deal with.
Viagra, on the other hand, solves the plumbing problem; it doesn’t work on your mental state. There is no drug currently available to increase a man’s sexual desire.
Do try the different instant female arousal pills
Female sexuality is a complex thing. Not only have I tried a lot of different instant female arousal pills, but I have also done my fair share of therapy. The therapy has helped me come to terms with my problem and has made me good at communicating with my lovers.
When you have a problem such a mine, a low sex drive, sometimes there seems to be no problem. Sex is not necessary for survival. You go about your days, feeling normal and happy. When you meet someone, suddenly, the problem seems big and without any solution whatsoever.
If your problem is similar to mine, do try the different instant female arousal pills that exists. If they don’t work, there is always the option to accept yourself the way you are.
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Moa Ailert is the founder and editor-in-chief of Her Brilliant Friend.
She has a bachelor’s degree in philosophy and plenty of insight into human psychology from traveling and living in different places around the world.
Moa is currently based in Portugal where she has a guesthouse; Villa dos Irmaos.
She has various websites, among others Ericeira Insider, but Her brilliant friend is her true passion project.