All the cute ways he will give away his true feelings early on
In the early dating stages, it can be hard to tell if the guy likes you or not. You don’t know him, so you don’t know how he usually behaves. Take a look at these 12 early dating signs that he likes you and see if he fits the profile. These 12 signs are the most common signs a guy you just started dating likes you.

When we like someone, we sometimes act irrational
If he doesn’t fit into these signs, no need to worry.
Just keep getting to know him and go on fun dates. This early, the same signs can mean a lot of different things.
When we like someone a lot, we can become very protective of our feelings and try to play it cool. But one of these 12 signs should give him away.

1. He wants to decide the next time you are meeting up
When guys like someone they are usually pretty straightforward.
Especially in the early dating stages. So, one of the first signs that he likes you is that he asks you for a second date.
He tells you he enjoyed the date
He might also say something along the line that he enjoyed spending time with you.
This is usually a cue that he wants to decide the next time the two of you are meeting up.
If he wants to organize and fix a next date that means that he values your company. He also wants you to indirectly know this by being firm in deciding the next time the two of you will meet up.
Also, since he likes you, he is eager to get to know you better, as soon as possible. A guy taking the initiative is always a good sign.

He is respectful
A guy who organizes the next date is also a good sign sing this means he values your time, and he wants you to have the opportunity to fit the date into your schedule. He understands that you have a lot of other things going on and that your company is valuable.
2. He acts a bit nervous and weird
You might google early dating signs he likes you because the guy you just started dating is acting a bit strange.
This can in fact be a good sign since guys tend to become a bit nervous and thus act weird when they feel a lot is at stake.
If he likes you a lot, he might feel nervous. So, if he does something weird and unusual, don’t freak out.

Romantic feelings do make us crazy
He doesn’t know how to behave in situations like this because they are out of his comfort zone. His hormones are unexpectedly going a bit crazy and that might make him do all sorts of strange things.
He might not be his usual charming self
If he is a bit stiff or quiet or makes a strange joke, don’t be too hard on him. Here at HerBrilliantFriend, we interviewed 300 men and many of them told us that the girl they are crazy about always makes those nerves come out and play.
You can see if he stammers or fidgets or laugh for no reason, all of them actually good solid dating signs that he does like you.

3. He laughs and smiles, even when nothing funny happened
When the two of you are on a date, one of the biggest early dating signs that he likes you is that he smiles a lot.
He smiles at you and he also smiles about other things. He might point towards a funny bird or a cute dog, to make you share the smile.

He smiles when he sees you
You should be able to watch his whole face lit up. This should be especially apparent in the first moments of the date. When he catches a glimpse of you, you will be able to see how his lips form a big grin, almost by themselves.
He acts all happy
When we are around someone we like, we naturally feel happier than we normally do. This joy shows on our faces. We also like to make our date laugh and to laugh at their jokes. If you make jokes and he seems to think you are very funny, it’s a sign he likes you.
This becomes especially apparent when he smiles despite the fact that nothing special is happening. Your mere presence makes him smile.

He likes exploring things together with you
The thing about love and falling in love is that things that are usually boring, such as standing in a line at a coffee shop, become much more fun and interesting. If he seems to enjoy doing mundane things together with you, this is a very good early dating sign that he likes you.
He will also enjoy fun things so much more when he is in your company. Thus one of the signs he likes you is the joy he shows when the two of you are together exploring and having fun. He seems happy.

4. He tells you something vulnerable about himself
The date might be all fun and games, but a guy who is seriously interested in you and wants to pursue you will want to have deeper conversations.
When you are on a date, he will ask you serious questions about who you are and what you want with your life. He wants to get to know the real you. Check out First date advice for women, for a fun guide on how to crush it on a first date and give him the authentic you that will get him hooked.

He wants you to get to know him
Another thing he wants to do is show you the real him.
Deep down we all want to be loved for who we really are.
When a guy shares something vulnerable about himself he gives you a great gift. Especially since guys are supposed to be tough and in control all the time.
He probably wants to impress you, since he likes you. So when he is vulnerable it means even more. It means he wants to get close to you.

He shares who he is
He might share something very personal to him, or a previous failure. He might also share one of his struggles or one of his big dreams.
You get a sense that this is not something he often shares. If you want to become better at getting your dates to open up, read our article How to get a man to be vulnerable.

5. He says your name a lot
When we like someone, our subconscious wants the other person to know this. (Even when we want to keep it a secret.)
So even when we try to control ourselves and not give away too much, our subconscious will.
Your name seems to be his favorite word
One way our subconscious acts is by saying the other person’s name a lot. This way we make the other person feel seen and cared for. We also just like the sound of their name, because we like them.
So, if the guy you just started dating starts saying your name, he wants to tie the two of you closer together.

6. He texts and calls for no reason
A guy who is interested in you will want to keep himself in your mind all the time. He wants to remind you about his existence. Thus, he will call and text you even without having any excuse or even setting up a new date.
You are on his mind
Another reason why he does this is that he keeps thinking about you.
When you like someone, even if it’s just in the early dating stages, your instinct is to reach out. For a guy who is serious about you, he might not have a reason to fight that impulse.
For a lot of guys calling and texting can be a bit annoying and hard work. So if he changes his pattern for your sake, that’s a good sign.
He might also do it because he knows it makes you happy when he calls and texts and he wants to make you happy.

7. He remembers a lot of things about you
This is another sneaky way to tell if someone likes you or not.
When we like someone, we store all the information they give us. We pay close attention to what they are saying. One of the reasons is to use the information to get closer to them. Guys are especially guilty of this behavior. If he likes you he wants to know all your likes and dislikes so he can impress you later on.
Another reason is that we are genuinely interested and intrigued. When we like someone even mundane information seems important to us.

He remembers small insignificant things about you
This rule especially applies to small things. There might even be things you don’t remember telling him that he still knows. Since he likes you, he keeps close attention to all the information available about you. Cute, right?
If you want your dates to go even better, check out our article Second date advice for women.

8. He seems to be wanting to get physically close to you
This sign can take many different forms.
But a guy who is sexually attracted to you will get into your personal space in one way or another.
He might be standing close to you. Or he might be walking close to you. He is most likely going to touch you. When the two of you say goodbye he will touch you a bit longer than necessary. His body will want to be as close to you as possible during the circumstances.

He matches your body language
When we like someone, we do something called mirroring. We do the gestures that the other person does, we sit in a similar way and we lean forward when they lean forward.
Mirroring also just means that we feel comfortable together with the other person. The fun thing about mirroring is that it’s happening automatically. Combined with physical closeness it’s one of the best early dating signs that this guy likes you.

9. He doesn’t seem to be in a rush, with anything
A guy who is after something serious is usually not in a rush.
He wants to take his time getting to know you. Because he knows that if things go god the two of you will have all the time in the world. He also wants to give you time to become ready for the next step.
If a guy is trying to convince you to come back to his place or similar things, he might be dating you for the wrong reason.

10. He will come clean about the fact that he likes you
I could have put this early dating sign that he likes you on the top of the list.
The truth is that a nice guy who likes you will let you know that he likes you. He is happy to have met you and he wants you to know that you are special and important to him.
When they are seriously interested in someone even guys who don’t often talk about feeling will make sure that the object of their desire know how he feels.
He wants to make sure he has a chance with you
He will also naturally see you as a catch. He doesn’t want anyone else to snatch you up, so it’s important for him that you know he likes you. He doesn’t want to lose you.

11. He wants to know everything about you
A guy who likes you will ask you a lot of questions.
He will listen to what you have to say and make even more follow-up questions. This is one of the top ways you will be able to tell if a guy likes you in the early dating stages.
He gives you a lot of attention
He will just want to spend a huge amount of time talking and getting to know each other.
He will probably ask you questions no one has asked before. You can tell that he really enjoys talking about you and getting to know you
When we like someone, they become utterly fascinating to us.
He talks about himself
Are you worried that the guy you just started dating talks too much about himself and don’t seem interested in getting to know you?
He might just be nervous. Everyone acts differently under pressure, especially the pressure of falling for someone.
Also, see the very important point below.

12. He tries to impress you
When guys meet a woman they like, they want to provide for her. They also want her to see exactly what they bring to the table. They want to be the hero and especially to be the hero in your life.
This strong need can make your date want to brag a bit. He might tell you about how athletic he is or what a great cook he is. Or he will tell you stories about himself that show him in a favorable light.
He talks about his success
He will probably point out all the different ways he is successful. He does this so that you can see that he is a catch. Any man that tries to impress you is most likely interested in you. Men derive a lot of their sense of self from their accomplishments. When he tells you about his success, he also tells you about himself.

He offers to help you
A guy will also want to provide value by helping you with different things. Whatever he is good at. Computers? Music? Building things?
He will offer his services. This is one of the clearest early dating signs that he likes you.
He gives you recommendations
Another way to provide value to a woman they like is to give her recommendations. This often happens on the first and second dates. The guy will recommend all the things he likes and appreciates. He will tell you which TV shows he thinks you should watch and which books he recommends reading.

A Final Note
If you got the feeling he likes you, he probably does. Our subconscious picks up a lot of different cues to tell us what’s going on.
Guys can act in all sorts of different ways when they like someone. Just trust your gut instinct, relax and enjoy getting to know him better. Who knows, maybe he is not the guy for you? If he is, you will soon know that he likes you.

Moa Ailert is the founder and editor-in-chief of Her Brilliant Friend.
She has a bachelor’s degree in philosophy and plenty of insight into human psychology from traveling and living in different places around the world.
Moa is currently based in Portugal where she has a guesthouse; Villa dos Irmaos.
She has various websites, among others Ericeira Insider, but Her brilliant friend is her true passion project.