We answer this intriguing question once and for all
The short and widely agreed-upon answer to this question is that he asks because he is interested in you. When a guy asks if you have a boyfriend, it’s the first step towards moving closer to you. He is trying to gauge his chances with you. He might follow up by asking you for a date.
Asking if you have a boyfriend is not a very subtle move, and thus the question is worth a bit of analyzing. Keep on reading, and I will tell you everything there is to know when you ask yourself, “Why would a guy ask if you have a boyfriend?”

He might assume you have a boyfriend
Another version of the same question is assuming you have a boyfriend. This actually happened to me. A guy at work said that my boyfriend would be very happy over the free beers we had received. I was too surprised to point out the fact that I don’t have a boyfriend. And yeah, he was definitely trying to find out if I had a boyfriend.
If a guy assumes you have a boyfriend, he is still trying to figure out if you have a boyfriend, and most likely, he is interested in you.
He might let you know he is single
Another version that is similar, but much more subtle, is when a guy lets you know that he is available. He might refer to his dating, or simply tell you that his not in a relationship right now.
This is such a cute move, and when it happens, most of the time, the guy is interested, and he is letting you know that he is single. Assume he is into you and proceed accordingly.
If you are wondering how to take this interaction a step further, check out our article How to make the first move on a guy.

He has a relationship, but he anyways asks if you have a boyfriend
If a guy who is already in a relationship, asks if you have a boyfriend, there is a douchebag alert going on.
Be aware of such a character. Flirting with you in such an obvious way means that he doesn’t respect his relationship, and he will not respect you either. Don’t feel flattered. He most likely does it all the time.
Or he is just not very in tune with social rules
He could also be making normal conversation along the line of asking where do you live, what you do professionally if you have hobbies… and yeah, do you have a boyfriend. This could be innocent.
But the most likely explanation is that he is sexually interested in you, and he wants you to know that.
To be able to tell which one of those scenarios is the most likely (innocent and polite or a total sleaze bag), look at the circumstances and how slick the guy comes across, generally speaking.

The question doesn’t necessarily mean he wants to be your boyfriend
Hold your horses, don’t start naming your further children just yet.
He wants to find out if you are available, so yes, he does have a mild interest in you. But he is not in love with you, he is not crazy about you. He is most certainly not applying for the position of boyfriend. When a guy asks if you have a boyfriend, don’t read too much into the situation.
He is not yours, just yet
For the two of you to start dating and develop a relationship, there are still many steps to take. Moving forward, keep your cool and stay true to your personality. That charm is what captured his interest, to begin with. Check out our article How to flirt with a man, to learn all the secret tricks to make him yours.

What to answer if a guy asks if you have a boyfriend?
If you do have a boyfriend, you should tell him so. That will save both of you time and energy. That’s actually another reason why he asks. He doesn’t want to invest in someone who is already taken.
If you don’t have a boyfriend and think the guy is cute, let him know that you are single. Watch his face. If he lights up, this is another sign that he is interested in you.
If you want to be very flirty, you can say no and ask if he is applying for the position or something along those lines. A no and a flirty smile will also be sufficient.

He might be a smooth Casanova or a very straightforward and honest person
That he asks if you have a boyfriend is generally a positive sign.
I would also add that the fact that he asks you straight out shows one of two things; he is either not that smooth. Or he is a player, and he wants you to know that he likes you.
Most people know that trying to find out your relationship status is a clear giveaway about their interest in you. So they would naturally stay away from that question or try to find out in a roundabout way.
If you have a hard time separating a guy being interested in you from a guy who is just friendly, read our article, How to know if a guy is flirting with you or just being friendly, for everything you need to know about the subject.

Check for other signs of attraction
There is a small chance that there is another reason for his question. He might be asking for a friend.
To find out what’s going on, you can look for other signs that he is attracted to you. Does he often linger in your presence? Does he ask you other questions? (The deeper and more advanced the questions, the bigger chance that he has a romantic interest in you.)
Is he interested in you?
Does he keep glancing over toward you?
All of those things are signs that he is attracted to you, and you should be checking out for them to understand what’s going on.
For more ways to find out if he likes you or not, check out our article How to tell if someone likes you.

How can I tell the truth without giving him the impression I’m available to him?
If the guy is someone you are not interested in, you might not want to reply with a flirty smile and a no.
What you can do is say no and make sure you don’t give him any other signs of attraction.
Move away from him and the conversation. Keep your future interactions with him to a bare minimum. If he is a nice guy, he will get the message.
He should not get his expectations up just because you are single
It’s not on you to give him the impression that you are not available.
He should assume that you are not interested in him unless you give him signs of encouragement.
So don’t overthink. If he acts like you have given him the green light, he is just an insensitive idiot. Don’t take it personally.
The sleazy way he interacts with you is the same way he interacts with the rest of the world, and his life will be in accordance. Feel empathy for the guy.

Use the move yourself; ask a guy if he has a girlfriend
You know life is too short to be boring and predictable. When you spot a cute guy, try this move yourself. Ask if he has a girlfriend. I’m sure you will get an interesting reaction.
The guy might run for the hills, or he might fall for you. This move can go either way. That’s what makes it fun.
You will also discover that it takes a lot of bravery (for a normal person) to ask this question. Let’s see if you have what it takes?

Moa Ailert is the founder and editor-in-chief of Her Brilliant Friend.
She has a bachelor’s degree in philosophy and plenty of insight into human psychology from traveling and living in different places around the world.
Moa is currently based in Portugal where she has a guesthouse; Villa dos Irmaos.
She has various websites, among others Ericeira Insider, but Her brilliant friend is her true passion project.