Everything you need to know about male desire – How to recognize it and how to evoke it
Can you tell if a man desires you? Absolutely, just be on the lookout for these 7 signs. When a man desires a woman, all of them are usually present.
If you are wondering how to increase his desire, we have the recipe you need. Check out the 7 most desirable female qualities. Altogether 14 important points mapping out the truth about male desire.
When you want to turn up the heat in your interaction, just make sure you utilize your new knowledge.

7 top signs his desire for you is through the roof
1. He wants to know a lot of things about you
When a man desires a woman, she becomes the most fascinating creature he has ever met.
He wants to know everything about her. So if a man asks you a lot of questions and attentively listens to the answers, he either has a lot of social competence or you have managed to evoke his desire.
He wants to know the real you
Does he often stir the conversation back to you? Do you have a sense that he is trying to figure you out?
There you go; he has just showcased his attraction.

2. His whole energy is focused on you
Energy is a funny thing. When two people desire each other, you can almost hear the energy sizzling.
Every word feels charged and every glance seems meaningful. A man who desires a woman will be alerted, almost as if he is hunting for his prey.
You will also be able to notice that he showcase increased eye contact and positive body language; such as angling his body towards yours.
He teases you
He will also try to increase the intimacy between the two of you by using touch. Another sign to be on the lookout for is teasing. Most people love to tease their crush.
If you want to use this trick to increase his desire, read our article How to tease your crush.

3. He tells other people about you
A man who strongly desires a woman will have a need to talk about her. He just can’t believe what an amazing human being she is, he will tell everyone who wants to listen about all her positive qualities.
So, if this guy has told his friends or his parents about you, that is actually a sign of his attraction to you.

4. He wants to have a lot of sex
This point might not come as a complete surprise, but I still think it’s worth mentioning since it is the essence of male desire.
When a man strongly desires a woman, he can’t get enough of her. He wants to make love all the time. He also likes to touch you and kiss you and try to sexually arouse you.
I know, sometimes this can be a bit annoying. Sex is certainly not suitable in all situations. Be gentle with him and appreciate having all that male desire focused on you.
Increase his desire
If the two of you are dating and you want to drive him wild, read my article How to tease your boyfriend.

5. He tries to make your life better
A man is very inclined to serve his woman. Or the lady they hope will be their woman one day.
If he goes out of his way to repair things around your house, pay for your food, or send you fun gifts, all of these occurrences are clear signs of his desire.
Men show their sexual attraction by trying to win over the woman in question.
He is finding ways to serve you
Basically, he is horny, and he channels his horniness in a practical way, by trying to bring value to your life. He hopes this will make you allow him to get inside 😉

6. He tells you how special you are
A man who truly has fallen for a woman and who desires her more than he has ever done before will make sure that she knows the effect she has on him. He doesn’t want to lose you.
Most likely, he will tell you that he really likes you and that you drive him crazy. It will be a sweet moment.
He finds you crazy attractive
If he desires you, he will tell you that you are sexy and beautiful.
If he is on the shyer side, his compliment will be more subtle, but they will be there. He will let you know that he is impressed by you.

7. He organizes for the two of you to spend time together
When a man has the hots for you, he wants to get closer to you.
He also has a strong craving for being alone with you. Thus, he will suggest different activities that the two of you can do together.
He can’t get enough of you
He will take the initiative to become a bigger presence in your life.
How we spend our time is a telltale sign of how we feel about things. If he always seems to want to spend more time with you, he desires you.

Emotionally unavailable men
Humans are more complex than a list on the world wide web.
Thus, he can have a strong desire for you, but still not show any of the signs above.
Sometimes our action doesn’t line up with our secret desire. We long to get closer to someone, but in reality, we get afraid and keep on avoiding them.
Make him desire you
The only way you will know if he secretly desires you are to start showing him your desire. You are in charge of your life and your destiny.
If you like him, it is time to start evoking desire in him. Read our article How to make the first move on a guy.

What makes a man desire a woman
1. She is sensual
The first and most important thing you have to consider when you want to evoke desire in a man is to be comfortable with your sexuality.
Be confident and unapologetically in your approach to life.
Sensual things can be your smell, the way you dress, or the way you dance.
The way you appreciate him, compliment him and make him feel like a strong, attractive man, also helps to increase your sex appeal.
2. She is carefree
Being joyful is the second most important quality that men appreciate in a woman and that will make the right man desire you.
If you are negative and always have a lot of problems, you will not evoke desire within him. Instead, show him your fun and easygoing side. Pretend you are on holiday.

3. She is playful
This point is closely connected to the point above. Sex and sexual chemistry are about being playful and having fun. Tease him and show him your naughty side.
Alluding to what you like and what turns you on, will make a man desire you as a woman. Don’t be afraid to state your preferences, and do so using a sexually charged language.
4. She inspires other people around her
Sexual desire is connected to status. It might sound a bit crude, but its certainly true when it comes to what makes a woman desires a man.
So let’s explore how it works the other way around. A man gets attracted to you when other people seem to respect you and admire you.
By bringing value to other peoples life’s you can increase his attraction to you.
He will observe how you interact with the people around you and make his judgment based on that.
She is desired by other men
And yes, a woman who is desired by a lot of men, will come across as more desirable.

5. She allows the man to bring value to her life
Men get turned on by bringing value to your life.
Never lose track of this simple truth. Some women are too dismissive in their interaction with men. It’s important that you allow him the opportunity to win you over and to serve you.
We all want to be special to someone and this is particularly true when it comes to how male desire is evoked.
Make him work to win you over, not the other way around.

6. She is feminine
Desire is about the tension between male and female energy. Make sure you supply him with plenty of yin to match his yang. Do this by wearing feminine clothes and generally embracing your feminine side.
Allow him to be active and give and you to be the one who cherishes what he gives.
I know it’s a bit old-fashioned, but if you want a man to desire you, it’s the way to go. Be graceful, soft-spoken and reflective. Appreciate him for his own unique personality.
7. She is loyal and supportive
Men go out in the world and concur; they always try to be the best in their field and to achieve great things.
Their ambition is connected to their longing for female approval. A man desires a woman who can give him the validation he is looking for.
Make sure he knows how proud and impressed you are by him. The more genuine support and loyalty you show to a man, the more he will feel his sexual energy being directed toward you.

Male desire and biology
If you have a special man in mind and you want him to desire you, try all the tips above. If he doesn’t start showing you the attention you want, he is simply not the right man.
What we desire is, to a certain extent, beyond our control.
As humans, we also have a strong biological reaction toward each other. Why one man desires you and another doesn’t might have nothing to do with your looks or behavior. He is simply picking up on the fact that your genes match.
Our body and our scent do the picking for us.
Male desire and psychology
The other factor that’s important to consider when it comes to male desire is his psychological blueprint.
The man in question has had experiences in his childhood and youth that have shaped his sexuality.
To a certain extent, the past decides what turns him on and what he finds attractive. Thus, you will never have complete control over male desire.
He can’t even control it himself.

A Final Note
Understanding how male desire works is a good idea.
You will feel confident with your ability to increase sexual tension and make those sparks fly. You will also have a lot of fun increasing the attraction when you notice that a man has started to desire you.
Just pour fuel on that fire and watch the fireworks.

Moa Ailert is the founder and editor-in-chief of Her Brilliant Friend.
She has a bachelor’s degree in philosophy and plenty of insight into human psychology from traveling and living in different places around the world.
Moa is currently based in Portugal where she has a guesthouse; Villa dos Irmaos.
She has various websites, among others Ericeira Insider, but Her brilliant friend is her true passion project.