7 clear and obvious signs that he has feelings for you
Are you unsure about his true feelings? When a man falls in love, he often alters between wanting closeness and wanting freedom. Thus, it can be confusing to know if he is falling in love with you or not. No need to wonder; here are the 7 biggest signs of a man falling in love with you.
These signs are universal and easy to spot. Now when you have your answer, you can just relax and enjoy the process of getting to know him better.
- He seems happy.
- He shares personal things about himself.
- He invests time in the relationship.
- He does what he says he will do.
- He introduces you to his friends and family.
- He talks about your common future.
- He is attentive.

Before we dig in, let’s be a bit critical
One thing that makes these signs of a man falling in love a bit tricky to observe is that plenty of people out there will use one or several of these signs to make you fall for them and make you think they have fallen for you.
Some people need other people’s love to feel better about themselves.
Time and consistency
Later on, their behavior will change, and you are left wondering what the fuck happened. So even if your new man shows one or more of these signs, the only thing that will tell you if he really has fallen in love with you is time and consistency in his behavior.
You cannot protect yourself from the fluctuations in other people’s feelings.
The only thing you can do is hop on the ride and see where it takes you.

Are you falling for him?
Have you developed feelings for him, but are unsure how he feels about you? I recommend reading my long and comprehensive article “How to make someone fall in love with you,” you can also check out “How to make him commit without asking,” for all the best strategies about how to take the relationship to the next level.
Establish his Baseline
Some people are naturally charming, and some people are extremely shy. So, before you start analyzing his behavior with the help of these 7 signs, it’s important that you try and establish a baseline.
Check out how he behaves around other people, his friends, other women. You can also find out a bit about his behavior by asking him about previous relationships.

Ask a friend to help you observe him
Avoid being jealousy when you discuss exes; remember that everyone has a past, and that’s totally OK.
You can also enlist a friend and ask her to help you conclude what kind of person he is. Your friend is more likely to be objective.
Some people are just good at being generous and making jokes and generally connecting with other humans around them. In this case, their behavior doesn’t mean (unfortunately) that they have fallen in love with you.

He seems happy
There is a special magic form of happiness that occurs when you fall in love with someone. I’m sure you have experienced this yourself.
So if you catch him smiling without reason, you know he has fallen in love. One of the biggest signs of a man falling in love is that he always seems to be laughing.
Or you will notice he constantly appears to be in a particularly good mood. Falling in love makes us happy, and that happiness is hard to hide.
Laughing together
He will also work very hard toward the goal of making you laugh and making you happy. He will smile a lot at you. Another thing he will do is make jokes that he knows will please you.
You know a particular man is falling for you if he seems to get a lot of happiness from making you laugh. When you do laugh, he often catches your eyes and the two of you laugh together.

He shares personal things about himself
When we are falling for someone, we actually want that person to know us and to get us.
We want to explain to that person who we are and which things are important to us. We also want them to know a bit about our shortcomings and faults.
He trusts you
When a man shares personal things about himself, he feels comfortable with you and trusts you, but it also means that he wants you to know him. Him being open with you is a sure sign that a man is falling in love with you.
Men are often very protective of intimate information.
Revealing things about ourselves is one of the most intimate things we can do. This is a very clear sign, especially if he shares things with you that he wouldn’t tell anyone else.

Sharing personal things is also a test
When you tell someone a personal thing about yourself, it is like a gift. You allow that person to come closer.
But it is also a test; we want to see how they react; we want to know if they still respect us and if they continue to have feelings for us.
We want to make sure that they treat our feelings with respect.
He shares his pain
So make sure you listen attentively and show appreciation for the fact that he has opened up to you. Give the personal things he is telling you the space they deserve.
If he also reveals painful things about himself and his past, it’s a good indicator that he is falling in love with you.

He invests time in the relationship
The time and energy we invest in something are telltale signs of our true feelings. We can say all sorts of things, but words are cheaper than actions. Some men are incredibly nice and charming when the two of you spend time together. But when the two of you are apart, you rarely hear from him.
On the other hand, a man who is falling in love with you will want to have a big presence in your life. He doesn’t want to let you slip away. The time he is giving you is in direct proportion to his interest.
He might be afraid of his feelings
Think about your own time and how you spend it. What we do with our time, and thereby with our life, is the most revealing sign of our character.
What he does daily with his time and energy shows where his heart really is. Generally speaking, if he is not giving you his time, he is not interested.
There is one crucial caveat to this point. He might be falling in love with you and, at the same time, avoid you, just because he is afraid of his feelings.
Check out this article about “Signs he is fighting his feelings for you.”

He does what he says he will do
This point is similar to the one above, but with this point, you can test his feeling by checking how good he is at following through on the things he says. The stronger feelings we have for someone, the more we stick to our word.
We want to show the other person that we are trustworthy and deserve a prominent place in their lives. How good is he at following up with the different things he promises you?
He wants to be there for you
Does he call and text you when he says he will? Is he helping you with different things?
A man who is falling in love will show his love by trying to improve your life and help you in all sorts of ways.

He will introduce you to his friends and family
This sign is such a good way to differentiate a man who has real feelings from a bonafide player. Someone who is genuinely falling for you will be genuinely excited about introducing you to his friends and family. Naturally, the friends come first and later on, you are introduced to his family.
If he is falling for you, he will be proud and impressed by you and he will want his friends to meet you because he feels they would like you as much as he does.
He also thinks you would like them and hanging out with them will be fun for you.
Does he want to meet your friends and family?
Another of the signs to tell if a man is falling in love with you is how he treats your friends and family. If he has strong feelings for you, he will be interested in getting to know them better. He will treat them with a lot of respect and care.
He will want to be on their good side.
He knows that you will value their opinion a lot.
If he is interested in a relationship with you, he will try and make friends with your friends. When he meets your family, he will be on his best behavior and show them that you are in god hands.

He talks about the future
He might not jump straight ahead to discuss a joint future; marriage and kids and the whole shebang. Most men wouldn’t do that. But as the relationship proceeds, you will be more and more included in his future.
He will talk about the future as if it is something the two of you will experience together. He will start using the “we” word more often.
One of the signs a man is falling in love will be that he is more and more comfortable making long-term plans with you. Slowly he starts seeing you as part of his future, and he will let you know this.
You are his priority
You will also notice that he increasingly starts putting you first. He is willing to change things about himself and what he wants from his life to better suit what you want.
And finally, he makes other people know you are a couple.

He is attentive
The way we focus our energy when we are around someone we like is a very clear and easy-to-spot sign. When we are romantically interested in someone, they have our full attention.
It is almost like we are drinking them with our whole bodies. If you have a hard time observing his behavior around you, just ask a friend to be the observer.
When you give him your opinion about different things, he will listen and really try to understand your point of view. Your view and thoughts matter to him.

He will be at your service
He will remember small insignificant things about you. You might not even remember telling him different details about yourself until you notice him acting on the things he has found out about you. How you drink your coffee, what kind of candy you like.
He will observe you and use what he sees to make you happy.
The reason why he does this is that he wants to bring value to your life. A man who is falling for you will take an interest in your interest.
This is especially obvious if it is about a subject he wouldn’t normally be interested in. He wants the two of you to become closer and has many different things to talk about.

In conclusion
At the end of the day, no matter how many signs you look for or observe, love is not a quantifiable matter. It’s much more emotional than logical. When a guy loves you, he’ll make you feel his love in whatever way he can.
Different guys may opt for unique ways of doing this, but all of them will find a way. If he is falling for you, the signs will be there, and you will feel him as a big presence in your life.

Moa Ailert is the founder and editor-in-chief of Her Brilliant Friend.
She has a bachelor’s degree in philosophy and plenty of insight into human psychology from traveling and living in different places around the world.
Moa is currently based in Portugal where she has a guesthouse; Villa dos Irmaos.
She has various websites, among others Ericeira Insider, but Her brilliant friend is her true passion project.