Make him crave you
In a relationship, men are expected to seduce their partners and bring an erotic atmosphere. But most men secretly fantasize about a woman who is sexy, seductive, and not afraid to take the initiative. You can become that woman with the help of our guide on how to tease your boyfriend.
Find out what turns him on
Not all men are alike when it comes to what make them horny. To be able to tease and turn on your boyfriend, it’s important that you find out more about his unique preferences. The more you tailor your approach to his secret fantasies, the more you will be able to tease him.

Proceed with confidence
The sexiest thing to any man is a woman who is confident and who embraces her own sexuality. Don’t be afraid to try new things. If your effort turns flat, that’s ok, don’t feel embarrassed.
When it comes to bringing sexy and teasing energy, it’s creativity that counts. Often we are not as sensual as we can be because of the fear of embarrassment.
Be brave and confident and you are already teasing your boyfriend.
Embrace your own sexuality
To tease your boyfriend is also about finding out what you like and what turns you on.
Do you like sending him naughty pictures? Go ahead. Do you like telling him erotic tales? Embrace that side of you.
Nothing will make him more excited than knowing that you are turned on.

Teasing is about push and pull
The art of teasing is about giving him a little bit to tease his imagination. Don’t be afraid to take a couple of steps back and deny him what he wants.
You want him to be frustrated and wild with desire. To achieve this, you have to practice restraint.
Give him a little bit of what he wants but withhold a lot.
You will have him wrapped around your finger.

1. Ask him naughty questions
To ask your boyfriend about what he likes is in itself a way to tease your boyfriend. Ask him “What turns you on about me?”
Ask him to describe his favorite sexual memories about you. Also, ask him exactly why he found those instances such a huge turn-on.
You can also ask him to describe what he would like to do with you in the future.
Ask him at improper times
To bring in a more teasing element to these questions, you can ask him over text or over the phone. Check out our guide on How to turn a guy on over text.
You can also ask him these questions when you are out having a private romantic dinner, just far away from other people so that no one can hear what you are talking about.

Try teasing him when he supposed to be working
Another fun way to tease your boyfriend is to ask him these kinds of questions when he is at work. Make him think about sex when he is not supposed to think about sex.
The forbidden aspect will increase his horniness.
Bring up sex and show yourself as a sexual being in all sorts of circumstances and the result will be that you tease your boyfriend. Have a bit of fun with himjust before you leave to go to the gym. Tell him you have to rush and cannot finish what you have started.

2. Dress sexy
You have probably heard that men are visual creatures, this is absolutely true.
Men primarily take you in with their eyes, this holds true for your boyfriend as well. He is turned on by your physical appearance. This knowledge is important to exploit when you ask how to tease your boyfriend.
Find out how he likes you to dress
Ask him which of your clothes he finds sexy. Wear those clothes when you are out and about together. The sexier you can be in those situations when he is not allowed to touch you, the more you tease your boyfriend.
If you really want to tease him, you can take off your underwear and give them to him.

Invest in sexy lingerie
You don’t have to dress sexy when you are out and about. (It might not suit the situation.) But you can tease your boyfriend by wearing sexy underwear under your normal clothes. Just get dressed in front of him. He will be incredibly teased by the fact that only he knows what’s going on.
Find out what turns him on
Sexy underwear is a cliché for a reason. Ask your guy for his favorite lingerie and deliver on his naughty fantasies.
When you find out his preference, exploit your knowledge to the max.

Buy clothes your boyfriend finds sexy
You probably have your own sense of fashion and you should absolutely dress for yourself. But your boyfriend will have clothes he likes to see you in. Be nice to him and invest in some clothes he finds attractive.
Wear those when the two of you are out together. Combine this with telling him why you find him attractive. Tell him that he makes you horny and wet.
Keep your distance and you will drive him wild. Don’t allow him to touch you.
Higlight your assets
Another great tip is to dress in clothes that highlight his favorite parts of you. If he likes your legs, wear short sexy skirts. If he likes your breasts, highlight them with a nice low-cut top.
Teasing is all about exploiting your assets and keeping him from touching you.

3. Dance
Nothing is sexier than an intimate dance. Dance for him as you get dressed, or undressed. The two of you can go out dancing together or you can sign up for dance classes.
You can also do an intimate dance by rubbing yourself against different parts of his body when you dance. You know what I mean, just get him hard and eager and deny him any release.
When he tries to touch you, gently take away his hand and tell him that no touching is allowed. Being bossy like this works in all kinds of situations and it’s the best way to tease your boyfriend. Tell him that he can watch but not touch. Be firm. Be bossy and dominating and sensual at the same time. The combination will make him very excited.
Go out and dance without him
Ok, this one is a bit cruel, but if you want to tease your boyfriend, you cannot always play it nice.
Get dressed up, look hot, and leave him at home. Go out with your friends and dance and have fun. You can combine this with sending him some sexy texts, or even pictures, during the evening.
He will be eager to make you his when you come back home.

Dancing is teasing
Teasing your boyfriend is all about push and pull. One step forward, followed by one step back. This teasing effect is especially easy to achieve when you dance for your boyfriend, or with your boyfriend.
All form of teasing is a dance.
Do a striptease
If you want to take the teasing dance to a more literal level, yeah, that is called a striptease. Put on your favorite sensual song, and dance around your boyfriend as you slowly undress.
If you want to do an even better job, there are pole dancing classes to sign up for.

4. Send him pictures
As mentioned above, men are easily stimulated through their eyes. Take advantage of this and send your boyfriend a naughty picture. Since he cannot act on his horniness you will achieve your goal of teasing him. Keep the pictures coming and keep yourself from meeting up with him in real life.
Send a cute picture together with a naughty text
If you don’t feel comfortable with a naughty picture you can send him a cute picture and compliment the picture by telling him that you are horny.
Tell him that you cannot wait to touch him.
Send him pictures when he is supposed to focus on other things. Another version is to let him take sexy pictures of you.
Text and tease
Sexy pictures are a great way to tease your boyfriend, since there is a physical distance he cannot act on his excitement.
You can also tease him in different ways over text messages, check out our guide on How to tease your crush, to learn more about how to tease. The same principles work in a lot of different contexts.
Try sending him these kinds of treats when he is busy with important things. Let him know that you find him incredibly hot, but that you respect his work 😉

4. Tell him about your sexual fantasies
Practice being more open and tell your boyfriend about what you dream of doing with him.
Explore more of your sexuality so that you what you like and can tell him what you need and want from him. Guys love to hear about you and what turns you on. Telling him these kinds of stories in situations when he cannot touch you is a great way to tease him. For example, when he is driving.
If you want to take things a step further, touch yourself in front of him. You can even use a sex toy in front of him, or send him a video of you using a sex toy.

Connect with your own sensuality
To be able to excite a man more than he ever has been turned on before is about you and the sensual relationship you have with yourself. Take the time to connect with yourself and your sexuality. Listen to your favorite sensual music, read erotic litterateur, dress so that you feel attractive, and take long bubble baths.
You will have more to give if you have a strong relationship with yourself. Teasing will come as a natural byproduct of doing these things.
All relationships we have are a reflection of the relationship we have with ourselves.

5. See but do not touch
Playing a little game where you explore him is a great way to tease your boyfriend.
Touch him in a sensual way and then move away. Repeat this until he goes wild. If he tries to touch you, tell him he is not allowed to. You can use sex toys such as a pinwheel or a feather whip.
Also, don’t forget the ice cubes and a mug of hot tea.
Explore him in different ways
Handcuff him and work your way around his body with your tongue and your hands. Find out his sensitive spots. We all have erogenous zones, you want to know all about his. Both the physical and the mental ones. By knowing this you will have plenty of opportunities to tease him. Give him what he deeply desires and then move on to doing something else. For more ideas about what his deepest desires can be, check out our guide 13 things guys like in bed but won’t ask for.
Don’t go all the way
Teasing is all about not going all the way.
Instead, keep making out and stroking him without letting him get any release. When you are on your way somewhere, you can take advantage of the time constraint. Get him excited while both of you are getting ready. Get out of the door without making love.

6. Talk dirty
Become comfortable with being more vocal and direct. Expressing your sexual desire can feel a bit embarrassing. But if you want to tease your boyfriend to arouse him, being vocal is one of the best ways.
Tell him what you desire from him, tell him what you like about him. Men also get turned on by nice compliments. Men also want to feel desired and appreciated.

Text dirty
If you feel insecure about talking dirty face to face, you can start increasing the temperature between the two of you by expressing yourself in text messages. Do describe what it is about him that makes you horny.
You can also text him while the two of you are out together. For example; I’m looking forward to being alone with you.
The anticipation will tease him
Become better at creating sexual tension
To tease your boyfriend in a sensual way is all about ramping up the sexual tension between the two of you. For additional tricks and ideas, check out my article How to create sexual tension with a man.
Role play is great for teasing your boyfriend in a new and exciting way.

7. Role play
Since you become someone else you can play around with things you normally wouldn’t do, you can be a very naughty girl indeed. You might not like handcuffs, but your new character might love them.
Ask what character would turn him on? A nurse? A secretary? Dress the part and fulfill one of his fantasies, let him slowly undress you, or undress for him.
If you want to make this act more teasing, you can start by sending him pictures when you shop for the outfit, followed by a picture when you are dressed up in the outfit.

8. Dress up as a dominatrix and dominate him
Being dominated by a sexy woman, some men love it, some men don’t. But you will never find out your boyfriend’s preference if you don’t give it a go.
Dominating a guy is a great way to tease him. You can even handcuff him to a chair and do a slow strip tease in front of him.
Use a sex toy designed for teasing
This nice trick how to tease your boyfriend you can do it regardless if you want to play dominatrix or not. Buy a sex toy designated for teasing, such as a feather tickler or a pinwheel. Slowly work your way around his skin. If he likes being dominated, you can give him a good spanking.

9. Be comfortable with the presence of sex
Learning how to tease your boyfriend is about you becoming more comfortable with sex and the presence of sex.
Think about sex and what you like, especially in contexed when sex shouldn’t be present, such as dinner with friends or his family.
You can also tease him in a sensual way and talk about sex when he is driving. Whenever he does something that requires his hands to be occupied is an excellent opportunity for teasing him in a naughty way.

Find him attractive
All people want is to feel desired and attractive. If he gets this from you, every moment he is not making love to you, he will long do exactly that. Your precense in his life will be a form of you teasing him.
Tell him how crazy and wet he makes you. Tell him all the ways you think he is sexy. To tease him, do this while you are in a public setting.
Make sure you sometimes have sex without getting completely undressed. You can also eat and lick different things in front of him. For example cream, a lollipop, or an phallus-shaped ice cream.

A final Note
Teasing is about being creative and playful. Have fun, work to arouse him and then move away and you are already succeeding. Teasing is all about anticipation and desire.

Moa Ailert is the founder and editor-in-chief of Her Brilliant Friend.
She has a bachelor’s degree in philosophy and plenty of insight into human psychology from traveling and living in different places around the world.
Moa is currently based in Portugal where she has a guesthouse; Villa dos Irmaos.
She has various websites, among others Ericeira Insider, but Her brilliant friend is her true passion project.