The fun and effective way to get his heart back
Once upon a time, he was in love with you. Then he fell out of love with you. It’s painful because, at one point, he was yours. Now he is not. You lost him. But don’t despair. There is a way back to him being madly in love with you. Make him fall back in love with you by following these steps.

Easy-to-follow steps you have to do
The first thing you have to do is give him a healthy amount of distance.
He needs space to start missing you. As long as he thinks he still has you, he won’t be interested.
To take away that certainty, you have to move on. Since he fell in love with you before, you have what it takes. You just need to improve yourself.

Analyze who he is
By understanding him and his needs, you will understand why things didn’t work out. You also have to say goodbye to neediness since this is a big attraction killer. It’s one of the most common reasons a man falls out of love with a woman.
Let’s try
I will tell you exactly what you need to do under each step. It’s not going to be easy, and there are no guarantees for success.
We can’t force another person’s feelings. But since he means a lot to you, let’s give it a try. Let’s make him fall back in love with you.

There was a reason he fell in love with you
Even if the two of you are still in a relationship, you can benefit from reading this article.
You might feel he is not in love with you anymore, even if he is right there next to you. We wrote an article (based on interviews with more than 300 men) about what makes someone stay in love.
He does like what you have to offer
The good news is, in both cases, that since he fell in love with you once, he already has the disposition to like what you have to offer.
He finds you attractive. He finds your personality attractive.
You are the kind of person he would fall in love with. You have something unique to offer him. If he met you all over again, in another context, he would fall in love with you just the same.

You have to change to get him back
Unfortunately, there is also some bad news. To make him fall back in love with you, you have to change fundamentally. There were reasons, probably more than one, why he fell out of love with you. The part that drove him away is the part you have to change.
Make good necessary changes
Change is not easy. But no matter if he falls back in love with you or not, the changes you have to make are good. They are changes that will make you a better person.
Let’s dive in, shall we?

A Healthy Amount of Distance
It’s easy to get tangled up in your feelings. Feelings of love and infatuation are great. They are also a serious pain in the ass. They drive us blind and crazy. When they are strong, they make us lose all sense of perspective.
Step away from your infatuation
To get him to fall back in love with you, you have to be serious about stepping away from those sticky feelings and create a version of you who is not a slave under those feelings.

Reconnect with yourself
Create distance for your sake. This distance is necessary to ground yourself. All those clichés about finding yourself after a relationship are clichés for a reason.
You do need to find yourself. A peaceful, strong version of yourself. A version of yourself who doesn’t need him.

Move on
If you can’t bring yourself to truly move on, just fake it.
Go on dates. Flirt with the men around you. Buy a new dress. Laugh, even if it’s a fake laugh.
Think about it like this; bad decisions and bad action stems from a place of no choice. Desperation stems from a place of no choice.
You need choices to make a good decision
If he is the only man in your life, you don’t have a choice, and he will sense this. Men have a way of knowing. Call it their sixth sense.
The more options you have, the stronger your position and the more likely you get what you want.

He shouldn’t be the center of your world
Create enough distance so that you discover that he is not so important to you. If you still think the world spins around him, you haven’t created enough distance.
Creating distance will also give him time to neutralize his feelings regarding you. With a bit of luck, he will start to remember all your positive sides and forget about the negative ones.
Create space even if you are in a relationship with each other
If the two of you are in a relationship, create distance within the borders of the relationship. Do things on your own and then bring those things back to the relationship in the form of interesting conversations and funny jokes.
If you want him to fall back in love with you, taking up a new interest is a good idea.
Improve Yourself
He fell in love with you. The cool and fantastic version of you who you were when the two of you met. Now it’s time to improve that version. Think a bit about the people you like and respect. Both famous people and people around you.
What do they have going for them? What of those traits and lifestyle choices can you copy? Try and implement everything you admire about other people in your own life. Explore sides of yourself that you have previously overlooked.
Challenge yourself
If you are afraid of being alone, go travel on your own. We grow when we challenge ourselves. Do things that mean you have to step out of your comfort zone.

Find a new passion
Take a class; sign up to learn something you never thought you would master.
By just changing one thing about yourself, you realize that you can indeed change, and none of the conceptions you have about yourself are set in stone. That is a powerful lesson for your subconscious.

Change is good
Another good way to improve yourself is to sign up for therapy. If you haven’t already tried it, now is the time. We all have issues we need to work through.
You will impress him
The way to make him fall back into love with you is to fundamentally improve who you are. Since he already knows you and likes you for the way you are, every improvement in your personality will be extremely powerful for how he regards you.
This will be the tipping point that pushes him back to you.

He will like the new, improved version of you
If you are in a relationship with the man in question, this method should work like a charm. When we think about a long-term relationship, we want to be with someone who constantly improves and changes for the better.
We want to be with someone who learns new things and thinks new thoughts.
Make a plan
All you have to do is to be that person. You have to be inspired and creative and happy with the things you creat for yourself. Sure, this will take a bit of work. But the result makes it worth all your effort.
Make a list of everything you want to improve, make a step-by-step plan. Dont let doubt hold you back. Life is us constantly changing and evolving. Its up to you to make those changes good ones.

Analyze who he is
This is going to be interesting, and you will like it.
Often when we are in love, we only see the other person in relation to us.
We think a lot about them, but all our thoughts are focused on what we want from them. It’s all about us and not enough about him. You don’t get the full picture of his personality, when you get to know someone this way.
What makes him unique?
The man you are in love with is a person on his own. Completely free from you. Think about that person. Try being neutral. The way a scientist would be objective.

Ask a friend for their opinion
Have a friend help you if you find it difficult to be neutral on your own. Answer the following questions.
What sets him apart from other humans? Also, what is unique to him? What does he dream about? What does he fear?
If you had a hard time reaching him and he always seemed to be pushing you away, check out How to connect with an emotionally unavailable man.

Analyze his negative sides as well
Don’t forget to bring up his negative sides. You want a balanced picture.
Try to do this exercise without inserting yourself into the equation. Write down your findings and your conclusions. This exercise will help you get to know this man you are in love with better.
It will also help you separate him from your feelings about him.
Take him off the pedestal
If you want to knock him off the pedestal, use this strategy to take him down a couple of notches: How to get over your ex fast.

Why did he fall out of love with you?
Analyze him until you feel that you know him a bit better as the person he is separated from you and your feelings for him. After that, it’s time to move on to analyzing why he fell out of love with you.
What went wrong in your relationship?
Understanding will give you closure
You are not going to use this information because when we try to manipulate people, they subconsciously feel it, and they will react accordingly by subtracting more of themselves from us.
But you do want to increase your understanding of what transpired between the two of you.

Come up with new angles
My guess is you have probably done a great deal of analyzing in this area already.
So try and challenge yourself, and don’t allow yourself to repeat any of the things you have thought and said before about why he fell out of love with you.
Come up with new reasons. Don’t get too stuck on one specific reason. Explore everything.
Don’t assume you have the answer, be humble. We will never know the whole truth when it comes to other people and their feelings.

Say Goodbye to Neediness
The most likely reason he fell out of love with you was that you were being too needy.
When we are in love with someone, it’s easy to make everything about them. We give up friends and hobbies, and time itself, just to be closer to the person we are in love with.
Ironically this behavior is a turnoff. When he feels certain he already has you, he will stop pursuing you.
Neediness doesn’t create attraction
To understand this behavior better, think back to all the men who pursued you and tried to get you by giving you tons of undeserved attention.
Their behavior didn’t exactly increase your desire for them, did it?

Create your dream life, one step at a time
Be aware of when you are acting in a similar needy way. You give away your happiness and self-worth to someone else.
This is not attractive behavior. We don’t want to be responsible for someone else’s well-being and happiness. That sort of responsibility is exhausting, and anyone who is mentally healthy will pull away from that sort of situation.
We want to be together with someone who is happy and has a great life, regardless of whether we are present or not.

You want him, but you shouldn’t need him
To attract someone, you should give them attention and admiration, but from a place of non-neediness. This is not always an easy balance to strike. But the more you practice and become aware of the different ways you exude needy behavior, the better you will become at avoiding this big attraction destroyer.
Healing and improving is a process
The more you create your life according to your dreams, the less you will need anyone else to make you happy. You will not need to take things, metaphorically speaking, from other people.
Instead, you will be able to give. Generous people are attractive people.

A final note
You can’t sell him on the idea of falling back in love with you. He has to sell himself on the idea of falling back in love with you.
The only thing you can do is have fun, be charming and embrace everything that is great about your life.
Just keep this in mind, and you will be on the right track to having him fall back in love with you.

Moa Ailert is the founder and editor-in-chief of Her Brilliant Friend.
She has a bachelor’s degree in philosophy and plenty of insight into human psychology from traveling and living in different places around the world.
Moa is currently based in Portugal where she has a guesthouse; Villa dos Irmaos.
She has various websites, among others Ericeira Insider, but Her brilliant friend is her true passion project.