How to know if he is interested and what to do about it
Are you interested in a shy guy? That’s great, because shy guys are often interesting and charming once they open up. And let’s be honest; the competition will be less fierce. Not everyone will appreciate the subtle charm of a shy guy. So when you ask yourself, “How to get a shy guy,” you have our full support. Let’s take a look, shall we?

How to do it – The crash course
Ask about things he likes; he will be happy to recommend his favorite band or his favorite book.
Later on, you can tell him your opinions about his recommendation.
Ask him for help with something practical he is good at.
Join in on one of his hobbies.
Increase the psychical contact between the two of you.
And finally, tell him you like him.

How to get a shy guy – Things to consider
Shy guys are also good at listening, and what is sexier than really being listened to? Nothing. If a shy guy is interested in you, he will really pay attention to what you are saying.
It is also important to note that someone can be confident in other areas of their life but still very shy when it comes to romantic encounters.
I think we all can relate. Having feelings for someone and showing those feelings are scary.
Show him how you feel
So how do you get a shy guy? The first thing you have to do is be more obvious about your feelings; don’t try to hide them.
Flirt a lot with him and only him. He will check how you treat other guys, so don’t try to make him jealous.

Don’t mess around
Shy guys are often insecure regarding women, so spending too much charm on other guys to get their attention will backfire.
With a shy guy, you can also use the strategy to tell him straight out you like him. Don’t be afraid to take the initiative to the first message, date, or kiss.
When you want to get a shy guy, you have to be the brave one.

How to tell if a shy guy is interested
Sometimes it’s hard to tell if a guy is uninterested or just shy. But if you do a bit of observing, you will be able to tell the difference.
Start by checking for these three signs.
If he scores high on them, there are strong reasons to suspect that he is romantically interested in you. If you still have doubts, you can also ask a friend to check for these three signs.

1. He keeps looking at you
Our eyes don’t lie.
If we like someone, it’s almost impossible not to look at that person. There are several different ways this can play out. If you are in a group, he might look most at you out of everyone present. Or he tries hard to avoid looking at you, but his eyes keep darting toward you.
He glances back
Or you might catch him glancing at you. When this happens, he most likely looks away.
Just wait him out and check how soon his eyes return to you. If he looks back soon after he looks away, it’s a sign that he is interested but shy.

2. He gives you attention
When we like someone, our whole attention is focused on them. We ask them questions, and we listen attentively when they speak.
For example, your guy might be too shy to say things, but when you talk, you have his full attention.
Positive body language
You should also check his body language since our subconscious partly controls our bodies.
Do his feet point towards you? Does he display open body language when the two of you are talking?
A shy guy will also fidget or act nervous around someone he likes. Check out if he seems less shy and more comfortable around other people.

3. He keeps smiling and laughing around you
Love and infatuation make us happy. When we see something that we like, we can’t help ourselves. We smile.
When we like someone, just being around that person makes us happy.
We also tend to laugh a lot, because when we like someone, everything that person says seems interesting and funny.
He wants you to feel good
Laughing and smiling at the person we like is also a way to get the person’s attention and to get that person to feel good about themselves and about our presence in their life.

How do you attract a shy guy?
When you compare flirting with a normal guy and flirting with a shy guy, you should be a bit more direct and forward with a shy guy.
Flirt a lot.
Touch him.
Ask him questions.
Since he is shy, he is probably not so confident. He might not believe that you like him. Try showing him that you like him, and not just as a friend. Show him that you are attracted to him.

Tell him what you like about him
When you know him a little bit better, a good way to do this is to give him compliments.
Men also love compliments.
You can say something along the line that he looks handsome or smells good.

Embrace the awkwardness
Things might get a bit awkward, but don’t be afraid of the awkwardness. If you want to use a more sophisticated compliment, think of something at his core that is unique to him and compliment him on that quality.
You can also take a step back
If your forwardness seems to scare him away, just give him a break and some time to think things over.
With a bit of luck, he will come back to you, and now he will be braver. He will be the one flirting with you.
Don’t be afraid of showing a shy guy you like him. The fact that you like him will increase his attraction to you. If it doesn’t, he was a lost cause, to begin with. If you want to become better at attracting the right man check out How to flirt with a man.

How to get a shy guy to make a move
First of all, consider that he might have already made the move.
You might just not have recognized it. Go over the interactions and examine if something he said or did could be considered a move.
Did he ask for your phone number? Did he ask what you are up to next weekend? Did he ask about your favorite book? Next time you will be better at picking up his move.

Otherwise, do one (or all) of the following tips
1. Increase the psychical contact between the two of you
Come up with all sorts of reasons why you need to touch him. The touch can be very subtle. You can touch him when you agree with something he is saying or when you disagree. If he starts touching you back, it’s game on.
He does like you.
2. Tell him you like him
Sometimes we make things more complicated than they are.
Be proud of your feeling. Tell him that you had a great time together with him and that you would like to do it again.
This opens up the possibility for him to plan something. I know it’s scary to be so forthcoming, but I know you are brave.

3. Ask about things he likes
If you prefer to be more subtle, you can ask about what he likes.
Ask what kind of music he likes. If he likes you, he will be happy to recommend a few songs, and after that, you have a reason to keep contacting him and tell him what you thought about the songs. Or the movie. Or the book.
By talking about the things he likes, you give him plenty of opportunities to ask you to join.

4. Ask for help
A classic trick to get closer to a man is to ask him for help with something.
Men know a lot of things, and they have a lot of skills and tools. Take advantage of this. The two of you will get the chance to spend some time together, and he will feel good for helping you.
When he is focused on achieving something, like fixing your bike, or your computer, he will be less shy.

5. Join in on one of his hobbies
If he doesn’t pick up on the possibility of inviting you to one of his activities, don’t take that as a no.
Instead, invite yourself or simply show up.
When a shy guy does something he likes doing, he will be in his element, thus being more confident. He will feel like himself, and if he likes you, he might just make the move.

When you want to get a shy guy – Make a Move
I feel strongly about a woman making the move. We should all do it more often. I wrote a whole article about the subject, “When should a woman make the move?“
If you are not making the move, you are waiting for men to make the move on you. And when this is your strategy, the only men you can choose between are the men who are brave enough to make the move.
What is “The move”?
The move can be everything between asking for a number, for a date, or giving the man in question a kiss. The move can also be sending the first text message to someone you like.
When you are the one making the move, you can choose between all men, even the shy ones.
You might get rejected
Only one downside, you will get rejected. Does it suck to get rejected? For sure. But missing out on a great relationship sucks even more.
There is nothing wrong with a woman making the move. In fact, most men appreciate a woman making the move.

In Conclusion
The shy guy might like you. He might not like you. I don’t know. You don’t you.
But what I do know is that it is time for you to find out.
Just go ahead and shamelessly insert yourself in his life and his thoughts. Read my article How to make someone fall in love with you, if you want even more knowledge on how to evoke romantic feelings in a shy guy.

Moa Ailert is the founder and editor-in-chief of Her Brilliant Friend.
She has a bachelor’s degree in philosophy and plenty of insight into human psychology from traveling and living in different places around the world.
Moa is currently based in Portugal where she has a guesthouse; Villa dos Irmaos.
She has various websites, among others Ericeira Insider, but Her brilliant friend is her true passion project.