We teach you how to get his attention with these 10 easy steps
Someone has caught your eye, and now you want him to notice you. Fair enough. How to get a guy to notice you is such a cute question, and it’s also an important skill to learn.
Make him notice you
You might even ask if it’s possible to get him to notice you without talking? The answer to this is yes. As humans, we pick up a lot of non-verbal cues from each other. If you follow these ten steps, you will get him to notice you. You might not even have to open your mouth.

Step 1, Notice him
We can feel it when someone gives us attention.
It’s like secret energy that flows between people. It’s similar to when you feel someone looking at you even when you can’t see them. You feel their energy focusing on you.
This works even if the attention is completely non-verbal.
Imitate his body language
Use this to your advantage. Shift your body towards him, and at the same time, mirror his body language. Imitate the way he sits.
Tilt your body the same way he tilts his body.
Discreetly but intensely follow the contours of his body with your eyes.

Use your body to convey that he is important to you
Don’t hold back; allow your body to do its magic work. By doing this, you are showing him that you are interested in him and that he, for one reason or another, is important to you.
You are also showing him that you are intrigued by him.
Show that you noticed him
Sometimes when we like someone, we try to ignore them. We don’t look at them. We speak to everyone else. We might even move away from them. Everything to avoid giving them the idea that we like them.
Fight this impulse; instead, do the opposite; use your body to show him that you like him.

Step 2, Stand close to him
To get a guy to notice you, get closer to him.
Without proximity, there are a lot of things that get lost. But if you stand next to him, he will notice you in the sense that he will inhale your scent and feel the warmth from your body.
When someone has caught your eye, proximity is everything to get the message across.
You don’t need a valid reason to get closer
Go to his side of the room even if you don’t have any reason to do this. Make up a reason if you need one. Go to the bathroom even if you don’t have to pee if you can pass him on the way. You don’t even have to say anything. Just allow yourself to gravitate toward him.
When you interact with him, lean in and stand a little closer than necessary. Another trick is if you want a guy to notice you, put yourself in his line of vision.
That way, his eyes will naturally rest on you.

Step 3, Smile and laugh more than you normally would
When we are attracted to someone, we generally smile and laugh much more.
We smile and laugh even when there is no reason to smile or laugh. You can use this knowledge to get someone to become attracted to you. All you have to do is be amused by the situation you are in. He will wonder what it is you find so funny.
You can also look at him when you smile, he will probably smile back, and the shared smile will bring the two of you closer together.
Step 4, Don’t fear the awkward silence
When we talk with a friend, we are usually relaxed and straightforward. The conversation might be boring or interesting, but it’s rarely awkward.
When we like someone, even the plainest conversation can become awkward. But this awkwardness is actually good.

Make him wonder
Go ahead and make a conversation between the two of you really weird and awkward.
He will wonder what was up with you and why you seemed so tense when you are usually relaxed and confident. He might even think there is something about him that makes you different, and this is exactly the sort of speculation you want him to do.
It might sound counterintuitive, but it totally works. Go out in the world and try it out.
Embrace the tension
Have an awkward silence, followed by an awkward question. Don’t withdraw from the situation. Just stay and let things become very strange. Embraces the awkwardness.

Step 5, Wear a cute outfit
The trick with this way to get a guy to notice you is to wear something he doesn’t usually see you wearing.
The surprise effect will make him notice you.
If you don’t have a reason to dress up, make up a reason. Just invite your best friend to a swanky dinner afterward, and you will have a good reason to show up in your best outfit.
Try a feminine outfit
To decide what to wear, ask a friend for advice, together you should be able to find a cute outfit you look sexy in. Wearing something red is always a good idea. Or try wearing something more feminine than what you usually go for.
For more ideas on how to increase your attractiveness, read our article How to appear more attractive as a woman.

Step 6, Touch him
Men are very receptive to touch.
Most men don’t get that many touches, so when you touch him, you will stand out. Gently tap his arm or touch his upper arm. If he says something you disagree with, you can hit his chest very lightly. There are a lot of different ways to touch a man.
You could brush against him as you move past him. Just tell him you are sorry, not to come off as rude.
Tease him
You can also combine touch with teasing him. OK, teasing him requires you to speak, so we put all our expertise regarding that subject in How to tease your crush.

Step 7, Be happy
We do notice when someone seems genuinely happy. If someone seems happy all the time, even better. We want to know what their secret is.
It’s not possible to bluff being happy. You should strive towards being happier and more content with your life. You can train yourself to become happier by focusing more on the good things.
happiness is attractive
There is also the possibility that you are happy, but it would be impossible to tell just by looking at you. If this is the case, practice exuding happiness. It is a nice quality to possess.
Have fun with the small thing in life, and he will notice you.

Step 8, Be unexpectedly kind to someone else
As humans, we notice each other interacting with other humans.
This is a powerful tool we use to decide on someone’s character. If you want him to notice you, do something extremely kind to another person.
If this is in a work situation, you can do many different things. Buy someone lunch, help someone out when they have a serious problem, or buy a cake for the whole department.

Step 9, Make sure he knows you like him
The best way to get someone to notice you is to actually show them that you like them.
Humans are simple like that. We like the ones that like us. The more someone likes us, the more we like them.
Tell him why he is impressive
At least if this behavior comes from a place of self-confidence. Let him know that you are impressed by him. You could have a common friend hinting to him that you like him. This way, he will notice you, and you don’t even have to say anything.
If you are introverted and need some extra support when it comes to flirting and dating, read our guide Dating for introverts.

Step 10, Change something in your behavior
In a job situation, this, once again, is easy.
Arrive to work at a new time. Wear something new. Eat something new for lunch. Talk about a new book you are reading. (preferable everything on the same day.)
Basically, come up with a creative way to bring some newness into your behavior.
Humans love the unexpected. If you make a big change in your behavior, he will have no choice but to notice you.

Think about what made you notice someone
Now it is time for the advanced course on how to get a guy to notice you. Think back to what made you notice him.
Do something similar. Be something similar. The chances are that he would notice you for the exact same reason you noticed him.
What caught your eye?
Also, take the time to analyze what made you notice other guys you have liked in the past. What was it that set them apart? Shamelessly steal the behavior that caught your attention.
Want to know if those ten steps worked on him? Check out our article How to tell if someone likes you.
Don’t beat a dead stone
It’s nice to ask yourself how to get a guy to notice you. But if he still doesn’t notice you after you have used all these tricks, there is nothing to do except move on.
What makes someone notice you are unique to their past, their experiences, and their personality. All of this is, unfortunately, out of your control.

A Final Note
When you want to get a guy to notice you, just be yourself, but be a little bit extra of everything that are you. Also, don’t be restricted by what you have to do. If he stands in another line than you at the grocery store, go and stand in his line. Play loose with the rules.
If he doesn’t look your way, go to him, tap him on the shoulder, and ask him a simple question. If you are too shy to start a conversation, just ask him what time it is since your phone is out of battery. Your phone obviously doesn’t have to be out of battery.
Don’t be shy
You can do all sorts of things, but what’s keeping you from doing them is the restrictions you put in your own mind.
Or possible that you don’t want to come off as creepy?
But you know what, even if you do come off as creepy, that’s better than missing the guy altogether.

Moa Ailert is the founder and editor-in-chief of Her Brilliant Friend.
She has a bachelor’s degree in philosophy and plenty of insight into human psychology from traveling and living in different places around the world.
Moa is currently based in Portugal where she has a guesthouse; Villa dos Irmaos.
She has various websites, among others Ericeira Insider, but Her brilliant friend is her true passion project.