6 important habits you can start practicing today, and your attractiveness will skyrocket
It might sound shallow to ask how to appear more attractive as a woman.
But attractiveness is an important life skill and a way to help us navigate the world. If you increase your attractiveness, you will have an easier time finding friends, partners, and other opportunities.
Attractiveness is about being open to what life has to offer.

How to do it
How to appear more attractive as a woman is a combination of three things: your confidence, appearance, and how you interact with the world.
All of those things intertwine with each other, and all of them can be improved.
By exercising, you improve both your confidence and your appearance. Wear clothes you like and wear them with pride. If you want to increase your attractiveness instantly; wear something red.
Charm the people around you
Be charming and generous to the people around you. Be unexpected because, as humans, we are drawn to the unpredictable.
Don’t be afraid to be vulnerable. People find you attractive if they can relate to you and sense that you allow them to get to know you. Openness is attractive.

Why you should improve your attractiveness
Not only can your attractiveness be improved, but it will also be a lot of fun working towards improving it.
Attractiveness is not about a certain feature or a certain hair color, it’s about the joy you have for life.
Attraction is a strong pull
Attractiveness is also an essential part of understanding what motivates people. Not only are we attracted to certain people, be it for relationships or friendships.
We are also attracted to specific places, such as our favorite coffee shop or a particularly beautiful part of the world.

We are attracted to all sorts of things
It’s human nature to gravitate towards certain things and stir away from other things. And in this whirlwind of push and pull, it’s natural that you want to be someone people want to get closer to.
Being able to draw people in will enrich your life. You want to attract them, and you want to become more attractive as a woman.

You are Attractive
Let me start by telling you that you are already attractive.
Humans are attracted to other humans. It’s how we survived and thrived all those thousands of years.
We like each other. We look out for each other. When we go to a party, we all have a secret wish to meet someone who intrigues us and inspires us. We all crave meaningful human connection.
We are too self-conscious
Often it’s our insecurity that pushes away people and opportunities.
We don’t think we deserve all the great things that could come our way, and as a result of this false belief, we self-sabotage before anything has happened.

Be prepared to walk away
On another note, don’t try too hard to make people like you. Different people find different things attractive. Attraction is not as personal as we think it is.
When someone is attracted to you, it’s more about them than it is about you.
What pulls us towards a specific person is often past experiences and the subconscious thing we wish for, as well as the thing we lack.
To not accept a bad situation or a bad relationship is attractive.
People want to like you
Now when I clarified those things about attractiveness, I do want to present different ways to increase your attractiveness.
With these tips, you will become the most attractive you have ever been.
Increasing your attractiveness is not only possible, but it’s also easy.
The people you meet want to like you. Everything you have to do is invite them in and let them experience you like the attractive person you are.

1. Self-confidence
Self-confidence is the single most important quality to becoming more attractive as a woman.
When you are self-confident, you exude positive qualities such as generosity and warmth.
We are all drawn to people with self-confidence because they don’t demand things from us. Instead, they have things to give us, such as attention and encouragement.
Imitate confident behavior
If you are not as confident as you would like, don’t worry.
No one is.
Let me tell you a secret, the best way to become more confident is to imitate confident behavior. When you find yourself in a particular situation, ask how a confident person would handle the situation. Proceed accordingly.

Don’t be preoccupied with the wrong things
Here are some examples to get you started.
Don’t dwell on small things. A confident person knows that she is capable of dealing with whatever comes up and thus is not worried about the future. This is particularly true for small obstacles. They don’t need your attention.
Don’t think about other people’s lives
Self-confidence is also manifested in a lack of concern with how others view you.
So stop thinking about how other people perceive you and what is going on in their life.
If you want to appear more attractive as a woman, focus on yourself and your passions.

Find your passion when it comes to exercise
As you move around in the world, try to have open body language, be positive and allow yourself to smile and laugh a lot.
Exercise regularly. Every confident person exercises, I can assure you that.
Just find something you like, whether it’s rock climbing or salsa dancing, it doesn’t matter.
Whatever makes your blood rush, that’s what you need to do to become more self-confident and thus more attractive as a woman.

You become beautiful through exercise
When you exercise, your body releases endorphins and adrenaline.
Your eyes become sparkly, and your skin starts to glow. Not only does exercise make you more physically attractive, but you will also discover what your body is capable of, and this will lead to self-confidence.
Be kind to yourself
Stop being negative towards yourself, and don’t talk down to yourself. Keep your mind healthy by doing an inventory of what’s going on in your brain.
You are in control of your thought, so don’t allow negative thoughts to plague you.

2. Your looks do matter
To become more attractive as a woman, looks are important. But not in a shallow way, where the best-looking person gets everything falling into their lap.
How we look is just another way we show the world what we feel about ourselves.
People automatically feel more confident when they are happy about the way they look. We all have that piece of clothing that makes us feel like a million bucks.
Show who you are through the way you look
Your whole wardrobe should be full of clothes similar to that one.
If that seems too big of a hurdle to achieve right now, start with something small. For example, a single piece of jewelry. Something that means something to you and connects you with who you are. Wear it with pride.

Value yourself
It doesn’t have to be complicated to look your best.
Take care of your hygiene, smell good, get a good haircut, and keep your clothes modern and well-fitting.
Think about it as decoration; a room full of cheap furniture will not look as cozy and inviting as if there is a couple of carefully collected beautiful pieces.
Look after yourself
Spending money on the things surrounding you, your clothes being part of this equation, means that you value yourself. You are important to yourself.
People are drawn to this kind of person because a person who is capable of taking care of themselves is a person who is going to be an asset in our life.

3. Flirt with the people around you
Charm and attractiveness are not something you should switch on and off.
It’s something you should generously hand out to everyone you meet. You want everybody to leave an interaction with you feeling better about themselves.
Yes, that goes for the waiter and the Uber driver as well.
Be playfully and generous
Don’t limit your flirting to something you do with attractive men, have the same joy and playfulness in other interactions as well.
If you do want to improve your flirting game when it comes to men, check out our guide How to flirt with a man.

This goes even for the grumpy ones
The more joy you spread around, the more attractive you will be.
As humans, we watch each other, so how you behave toward all the people around you is directly correlated to how attractive you appear.
People who are attractive show their attractiveness to all people.
When they meet someone negative or grumpy, they kill with kindness. When you meet people and interact with them, make eye contact, smile at them, and make a joke. If they make a joke, laugh with them.

Empathize with other people
Another good tip is to empathize with them.
Put yourself in their shoes and make a small comment that shows them you see them and appreciate them.
Life is full of small random interactions. Allow yourself to enjoy all those interactions. Be fully present when they happen.
Don’t let your thoughts focus on anything other than the here and now.
4. Appear more attractive as a woman by being unexpected
Do you want to know one of the main ingredients of charisma? A secret ingredient many people overlook?
Be unexpected. Say something surprising. Do something unpredictable. Be a person who is not easy to narrow down.
When things are easy to predict, we stop seeing them.
Predictability makes us blind
You don’t particularly notice the way to work you have been driving for the last few years.
This is also true for your interaction with various people around you. The more predictable they are, the more your body and mind will turn on their autopilot. It’s all too easy to sleepwalk through life.

You have to put in an effort to achieve this one
To be charismatic takes a bit more work.
You have to be original. You have to be brave. Work with the surprise effect to draw people in. Go ahead and say or do something totally unexpected.
Dare to be original
If people don’t know exactly what to expect from you, they will watch you more closely to try and figure you out. They will spend time thinking about you. They will think you are more special. Invite them to this little game.

Be unexpectedly funny
When you first meet someone, don’t tell them everything upfront. Be a bit elusive, and then show them different contradicting sides of you.
As Walt Whitman stated; Do I contradict myself? Very well, then I contradict myself, I am large, I contain multitudes.
Humor works the same way. We laugh at things that are true but also about things that are unexpected.
To make people laugh takes courage and originality. Charisma works the same way.

5. Charm Other People
We like the people who seem to like us. We are simple like that.
You can work this to your advantage when you want to appear more attractive as a woman. All you have to do is to like other people and let them know that you like them.
Spread the love
Compliment the people around you. Be interested in them and what’s going on in their life, ask questions and listen to the answers.

You have to feel good about yourself
You can’t fake it. It has to be genuine.
If you feel good about yourself, you have more energy to give other people, and they can feel it.
If you feel bad about yourself, you will be self-absorbed and worried. All your mental energy is being consumed by keeping yourself in control.
Stay authentic
The more excess energy you will have, the more you will spend it on other people, and they will love you for it. For additional tips on making other people shine, check out our article How to get someone to open up emotionally.
You can also read our comprehensive guide about manipulation. By not using manipulative techniques in your interaction with other people, you will be able to connect with them on a much more authentic and lasting level.

6. Appear more attractive as a woman by being vulnerable
You should be mysterious, but it’s also important not to be too guarded.
If you keep too much of yourself contained, you don’t give the people around you a real chance to get to know you.
We want people to feel good
Instead, try and be transparent about your feelings. As humans, we are constantly analyzing the emotional state of the humans around us.
If we think someone is feeling bad, we will usually try and make them feel better. Either by fixing their problem or by allowing them the space to talk about the problem.

Be expressive
If you express your feelings directly and authentically, people will know where they have you and feel safe with you.
If you do this, it will also make them more comfortable sharing their feelings.
We want to get to know other people. It makes us feel safe.
Do tell people things about yourself, be open and vulnerable. Especially to people who deserve your trust.
We like the feeling of getting to know someone
When we feel that we have been allowed to go inside someone and see what’s really going on, we feel that they trust us, and we like that. It makes us trust them.
Let your guard down, give of yourself, and experience how other people open up to you.

In Conclusion
I have talked a lot about the things you should give to the world and the people around you in order to appear more attractive as a woman.
It’s important that you do these things from a position of strength rather than from a position of desperately wanting to be liked and appear attractive.
As humans, we are very good at picking up on false behavior. The more confident and authentic you can be, the more people will be drawn to you.

Recharge your batteries
It’s also important that you make space for yourself.
Spend time alone.
Go for a walk in the forest, read a book, or just simply sit still and meditate. This is especially vital if you are an introverted person. Take the time you need to be alone. Don’t feel bad about withdrawing from the world to spend time with yourself.
You should like your own company and your own personality. You should appreciate and be grateful for who you are, both when it comes to looks and when it comes to personality. No other people are the judge of your attractiveness.

Moa Ailert is the founder and editor-in-chief of Her Brilliant Friend.
She has a bachelor’s degree in philosophy and plenty of insight into human psychology from traveling and living in different places around the world.
Moa is currently based in Portugal where she has a guesthouse; Villa dos Irmaos.
She has various websites, among others Ericeira Insider, but Her brilliant friend is her true passion project.