How to find him and make him yours
Classy men are looking for women that know how to carry themselves. To attract a classy man you just need to be a classy woman.
Know who you are and what you want
Classy men look for elegant, well-composed women.
A clear sign of a classy woman is that she has all the different areas of her life under control. She is also good at enjoying her life and all the good things she has going for her. She is in harmony with her surrounding, both when it comes to her career, friends, and looks. Classy men are always looking for women who have the whole package.
Yes, you can be one of these women. Follow my 7-step guide and you will make sure you attract the next classy man that comes around.

Where to find classy men?
Classy men, just like all men, are everywhere.
The only place they are not is in your home.
A classy man is not going to break into your living room while you are watching Netflix
To find a classy man, it’s important that you sign up for different courses and activities where humans come together and do things as a group.
In every such group, there will be one or two classy men.
Running and walking groups are good for finding a classy man. Tennis is good, golf is good.
Language groups are good, as well as any lecture.
Classy men thrive in intellectual settings. They also love expensive sports such as skiing and sailing. Classy men love to stay active so the most important thing for you is to show up to a lot of activities.

How to win him over
Now that you know where to look, let’s start working on attracting all those classy men you are going to meet. Check out our article What does a rich man look for in a woman, for additional tips and tricks.
1. Confidence is key
Confidence is the biggest attraction power you have.
This is especially true if you want to attract a classy man. You have probably seen a woman who is not a typical beauty, but still gets lots of attention from high-quality men.
She knows that she is worthy
It’s all in the way she carries herself and in the way she interacts with the world. She is confident in what she has to offer. She doesn’t come off as needy simply because she is not needy.

How to build your confidence
Ironically, we are often the person that takes away our own confidence.
We are critical of ourselves and have a negative inner monologue. The first thing you have to do is to stop all negative self-talk.
Instead, have a good relationship with yourself and treat yourself with respect and care. The relationship you have with yourself is a real relationship.
Be your own best friend
How you treat yourself sets a sub-conscious standard for how other people will treat you. It all starts with you. Give yourself the time and attention you would give to that classy man if he was around.

2. Good relationship
A classy man is looking for a woman who has good relationships with the people in her life. She is on good terms with her family and has many inspiring friendships, as well as good relationships with her colleagues.
Work on improving your relationships
He does not want to be around unnecessary drama. Make sure you clean up the relationships you do have. Decide who is worth your time and effort and work actively towards healing your trickier relationships.
We all have our fair share of complicated family matters, but how you deal with them is what sets you apart as a classy woman.
Take inventory
Bad relationships will drain your energy and take away your focus from becoming more successful.
So, make sure you don’t keep negative people around just because you don’t think you deserve better. Stop all kinds of gossiping and behind-the-back talk.
A classy man will not be interested in someone who cannot manage their relationships in a healthy way.

3. Be successful
Yes, I’m going to go there. Because your professional success does matter. Especially when you want to attract a classy man.
A classy man is usually a very successful man and successful people thrive around other successful people. In fact, they might actively avoid someone who is not on their level.
How to be successful
Have clear goals and a plan on how to achieve those goals. Work towards reaching your goals every day. That is how you foster success.
Be passionate about your career
You don’t have to have a high-paying career to be successful. Success is also about the passion and love you have for what you are doing. Thus you can be a successful preschool teacher. If that is a profession you have a fire for and love more than anything else.
In fact, it might be even more attractive if your goal is your own and not something enforced by society.

4. Look the part
Yes, to attract a classy man is not easy. If it were a walk in the park, we would all have classy high-quality men in our lives.
Not only do you need a well-rounded life, but you also need the ability to make the most of your looks. Check out our article How to appear more attractive as a woman.
Invest in your look
Attention to detail when it comes to looks is what sets a truly classy woman apart from so many other women. You want to be well-groomed and have a few expensive pieces of jewelry to enhance your look. You also want to have good posture.

How to improve your looks
Always dress with care and consideration, even if you are just going to the gym. Be fit and healthy. Yes, this will take some time and energy.
Taking care of your body and looks shows the world that you care about yourself and value yourself.
Anyone can be beautiful
It’s not about being a classic beauty; it is about presenting yourself in the world in a way that demands respect.

5. Be a pleasure to be around
We all know people who just give us energy and joy every time we are around them.
They are warm, considerate, and positive.
Always bring that little extra something
Classy women seem to have a lot to offer in all kinds of situations. They also seem to move around the world with ease and grace. When there is a party, they always show up with the perfect gift and the perfect snack that impresses everyone.
To attract a classy man, it’s important that you are a positive influence on the people around you.

Reflect on the qualities you find attractive
Take a moment and think about the people you admire. What about them makes them special?
Think about how you can cultivate those very same qualities in yourself. That is personal growth tailored to your unique personality.
Have a spiritual practice
Another good way to improve how you come across in interactions with other people is to do yoga or meditation. This will make you more grounded and mentally well-nourished and thus you will have more to offer the people around you.
Never be afraid to take time for yourself, your own peace and happiness is the greatest gift to the people around you. Practice mindfulness and try meditating.

6. Don’t move too fast
Classy women are usually harder to get to know, they are very selective in how they spend their time.
Thus, you have to prove your worth to them. Classy women are, as a general rule, very busy since they have a clear direction in their lives. They are also always working toward improving themselves. Thus, they don’t invite anyone into their inner circle.
Be hard to get
Playing hard to get is a concept that is often misunderstood.
You should not pay hard to get; you should be hard to get.
The reason is that you value your time and energy. You should vet people around you. It’s not about always being busy and pursuing things, it’s also Ok, even desirable, to say no to things to just be at home, alone with yourself.

Be a challenge to the right classy man
This is especially important when you want to attract a classy man. A classy man likes a challenge because he knows a classy woman will not give him too much time and space too soon.
You can also have a look at our article How do you keep a rich man interested?
7. Invest in your intellectual growth
A romantic relationship is one long conversation, you want to be able to make it a good inspiring conversation, full of new ideas and unusual perspectives.
It’s not interesting to have a conversation with someone who hasn’t learned anything new since school.
Read books and keep yourself updated
When a classy man asks about the latest book you read, make sure you have a good answer. (If he is a classy man that’s exactly the sort of question he will be asking.)
Just like with exercise, there is no shortcut to intellectual growth.

Ask yourself how you want to grow
Your specific interest will be unique to you. But whatever you do, take them seriously. Passionate people are always more attractive.
It is also vitally important that you are well-rounded when it comes to intellectual conversation, so don’t limit your knowledge intake to your favorite subject.
Instead, go out of your way to learn about things you normally wouldn’t pay attention to.
A classy woman knows a bit about everything and can carry an interesting conversation about a wide variety of subjects.
A final note
The most important thing when we are achieving a goal is that we figure out a way to have fun while doing so. If you are having fun, you will be more persistent and more likely to succeed.
Enjoy the search.

Moa Ailert is the founder and editor-in-chief of Her Brilliant Friend.
She has a bachelor’s degree in philosophy and plenty of insight into human psychology from traveling and living in different places around the world.
Moa is currently based in Portugal where she has a guesthouse; Villa dos Irmaos.
She has various websites, among others Ericeira Insider, but Her brilliant friend is her true passion project.