The 12 biggest and most foolproof signs that a man is attracted to you
Is he secretly looking at you or just daydreaming about something completely different? Is he acting shy as a result of naughty thoughts? Why is he behaving extremely chivalrous all of a sudden? Sometimes it’s hard to tell what’s going on in that sweet brain of his. You are trying to observe his behavior, and you are wondering; how can you tell if a man is thinking about you sexually?

Let’s take a look behind the curtain
No need to wonder anymore. We will tell you all the major signs that a man is thinking about you sexually.
You will be able to uncover the truth. We are not as good at hiding our thoughts as we think we are.

1. He gets into your personal space
If men are attracted to someone, they will not be able to help themselves, that person will act as a magnet on their body, and they will constantly move closer.
Many times, they are not even aware of this themselves. Thus, this behavior is particularly easy to observe.
When a man is thinking about you sexually, he will stand a little bit too close to you during your interactions. He will lean in when you are saying something.
Watch his body, and you will know the truth
He might avoid eye contact, but his body will tell you the truth. You will feel his body. And you will be able to watch him gravitate toward you.
When the two of you talk, you should be able to tell the difference when he is too much into your personal space. Men do not get into the personal space of a woman they are not sexually interested in.
Does he accidentally touch you?
You can notice if he is indeed standing too close by checking if your body parts accidentally touch. If they are, he is closer to you than what is normal.

2. He can’t stop smiling
Sexually thoughts show on our faces. We smile, and we blush.
We laugh at jokes that are not even that funny. Sometimes we laugh without even having a reason. The happier this particular man seems to be around you, the more likely he is thinking about you sexually.
He is happy around you
When we are attracted to someone, our eyes get intense and, at the same time, showcase a kind of lazy haze.
If he seems to shine when he is around you, and especially when he is interacting with you, that’s a clear sign of attraction. If this is the case, you should be able to tell that this man is thinking about you sexually.
Observe how he reacts when he first sees you
We don’t have complete control over our smiles. A genuine smile happens naturally.
Thus, you can observe this phenomenon when he first catches a glance at you, for example, when you step into a room. If his whole face lights up, that is a clear sign of him being attracted to you.
The more he smiles around you, the more certain you can be that he is thinking about you sexually.

3. He acts shy around you
On the other hand, not all men are brave and forthcoming.
Many men will try and work very hard to hide their attraction. If he is thinking about you sexually, he will most likely feel shy around you.
He will try to avoid you, but not fully success
He might avoid getting close to you, or he might avoid looking at you. If he is very shy, he will even try very hard not to smile around you. All of the above will be an effort to conceal his true thoughts.
If he is acting shy around you, he will most likely try and steal a couple of glances when he thinks no one notices.
If he is unusually shy around you, compared to how he acts with other people, this is a sign that he is indeed attracted to you.
Watch him to see if he is naturally shy
You can check for this behavior by watching how he interacts with other people. Is he relaxed and open with everyone except you? Well, there you have your answer.
If you are interested in a shy guy, don’t miss our comprehensive guide How to get a shy guy.

Most likely, he will mix different behaviors
Another important part is that when we are thinking about someone sexually, we often mix these different behaviors.
Thus he can be shy sometimes while being really happy and open other times. He could be shyer around you in a group setting or when the two of you are alone.
Shyness in both situations is a sign of attraction.

4. He is nervous around you
This is a similar point to the one above. When we are attracted to someone, most people will become nervous.
This is one of the easiest ways to tell if a man is thinking about you sexually because this behavior is very easy to observe.
When we are around people we feel indifferent towards, we are relaxed and calm.
In many ways, we are ourselves, sometimes we are even bored or distracted. We are not self-conscious and nervous.
You will feel his energy sizzling
You can feel his nervousness as a heightened form of energy. He seems to be alerted.
Even though he might try to act relaxed, you will see him fumble and hear him stumble and maybe make a couple of nonsensical comments.
Or he might be totally quiet. Whatever his unique way of being nervous, you will be able to observe it, and now you will know what it means.

5. He acts chivalrous towards you
The more a man wants you, the more he acts like a gentleman around you.
I don’t know exactly why, but this is such a charming phenomenon. I have observed it many times. He will be on the lookout for different ways to serve you. A lot of times, he even tries to anticipate what you might need.
It makes him happy to serve you
When he does things for you, he will combine his actions with a big smile. He will get pleasure out of serving you, and this should be relatively easy to observe.
The more polite and happy he acts around you, the naughtier his thoughts will be.

6. He stands straight
A man who is thinking sexually about a woman will become more aware of his body. He will try and accent his best features.
For example, he will stand as tall as he can. He might put his chest out.
He is more likely to spread his arms to appear bigger. Basically, he will become a more manly version of himself. His body will become alert and tense.
He becomes fidgety around you
He will also become more fidgety with things concerning his looks. He might touch his chin or adjust his shirt. Men can also blush or touch their hair when they feel attracted to someone.
Many men also subconsciously spread their legs when they are around a woman they feel attracted towards.
Watch his body, and you will know if he is having those naughty thoughts.

7. He listens carefully to everything you have to say
If you wonder how to tell if a man is thinking about you sexually, I will tell you the most unmistakable signs because the truth is in the way he listens to you. When you talk, he will listen attentively. He doesn’t want to miss a single word.
His energy will be focused on you
True focus is rare, especially in today’s fast society, with distractions bidding for our attention everywhere. And this is why this sign is so easy to observe. You will feel his focus.
Observe his listening skills to establish a baseline
The more intense he is listening to you, the more sexual his thoughts are. (Not at that moment, don’t worry, just generally speaking.)
You first have to observe how great of a listener he is when it comes to other people, and after you know his baseline, you should be able to tell if there is a difference. You can try him by talking about something boring.
Is he still clinging to every word? Then he is most certainly sexually attracted to you.

8. He will be attentive toward you
This point is similar to the one above about trying to serve you and acting like a gentleman toward you. But this one you can also observe when the two of you are around other people. If he is having sexual thoughts about you, his attention will be mainly on you, despite the fact that the two of you are part of a bigger group.
He will single you out with his attention
He will listen to what you have to say. Another thing he most likely will do is to bring the discussion back to you and allow you to make an extra point.
He will know if you want something or need something.
When a man is attracted to you, he will be secretly, or not so secretly, focused on you. When he talks, it might appear like he is aiming straight at you.
Just a friend or something more?
You might have a friend and wondering if there is more than friendship going on. If that’s the case, don’t miss our article How to know if a guy is flirting with you or just being friendly.

9. He might try to ignore you
On the other hand, a man who is mesmerized by you might try to hide his lust by trying to ignore you. In this case, he will try and stay away from you. He might talk with everyone except you.
This behavior is rooted in shyness. He feels protective of his thoughts, and he doesn’t want you to find out.
Is he tense around you?
But there will always be moments when he slips up and look at you to try and catch your reaction. Also, try to observe how tense he is when he is around you. If he is actively avoiding you, his body will be tense, and he will display nervous energy around you.
If he is ignoring you, be the bigger person and go and talk to him.
It will be fun.

10. Your conversations might be awkward
Another surefire way of attraction is that even the most mundane conversations will feel charged. It will feel like you are talking about something completely different, even if you are just talking about the weather.
Small talk should be relaxed and easygoing. If the small talk with this guy is electric, you have your answer. When the two of you are having a conversation, you feel like things are being left unsaid.
Check if he often picks up the conversation again
Another sign to observe is if he tries to drag out conversations between the two of you.
Let the conversation die out, as conversations naturally do from time to time. Watch him instigate the conversation again.
Another way your conversations might be awkward is that if he is attracted to you, he will most likely try to tease you.
He might give you a funny compliment or playfully make fun of something you say or something you like doing. He will be careful not to insult you.
Teasing will be part of your conversations
Teasing is a great way to create sexual tension, and most men instinctively resort to this technique when they are attracted to someone.
You should do the same. Read out our article How to tease your crush, for all the best ideas to master this technique.

11. He will make intense eye contact
Another of the clearest sign of attraction is the intensity and frequency of his eye contact.
Men convey a lot of their sexual desire through their eyes. The more he locks eyes with you, the more likely it is that he is thinking about you sexually.
Most men (although not all) love to make intense eye contact with a woman they are interested in. Just keep a count of how long before he looks away.
His eyes might dart away, but they will always come back to you
If he locks away after a while, it doesn’t mean anything. Eye contact is an intense experience for most men.
Another good sign is if the two of you often look at each other across the room. You will feel his eyes constantly searching for your eyes.

12. He will watch you from afar
When we like someone, we are always secretly aware of their position in the room and what they are doing. When we think no one is watching, we will look at our crush.
Our eyes will automatically, and involuntarily, be drawn to the object of our desire.
We will silently and with pleasure observe them.
This might be harder for you to spot, to ask a friend to help you out. She will be able to tell if he often watches you from afar.

A final note
Attraction and sexuality are beautiful things. Look out for the above signs, and you will be able to tell if this particular man is thinking about you sexually.
There is no need to despair if he doesn’t showcase any (or enough) of the signs.
If you want him, you can make it happen.
Give him the treatment of the 12 signs above, and he will start feeling the sexual energy from you, and most likely, he will start feeling it as well.

Moa Ailert is the founder and editor-in-chief of Her Brilliant Friend.
She has a bachelor’s degree in philosophy and plenty of insight into human psychology from traveling and living in different places around the world.
Moa is currently based in Portugal where she has a guesthouse; Villa dos Irmaos.
She has various websites, among others Ericeira Insider, but Her brilliant friend is her true passion project.