16 key facts to be aware of before you get in too deep
Do you fancy a younger guy? They are a lot of fun, right? Playful, bold and seductive, it is easy to get drawn in. Before you have time to calculate the age difference, you already want him. Going for a younger man has its perks and some unexpected obstacles. In this article, we take a look at all the aspects when you are thinking about sleeping with a guy 20 years younger.
Let’s dig in.

1. Lots of energy and spontaneity
I love younger guys for their untroubled view of the world. They are easygoing and enthusiastic and always up for an adventure.
One of the best aspects of sleeping with a much younger guy is that he is surprisingly free and open in his approach. He might not even see the age as such a big thing.
Enjoy what he has to offer
Younger guys also have a lot of energy, they need it since they are still building their life. They have the energy to learn new things and to explore the world togheter (and Kama Sutra positions) with you.
I recommend inhaling every moment of this energetic, thrilling ride.
The only question is if you have what it takes to keep up?
More about that later.

2. The desire and endurance to go all night long
Young guys just have bigger stamina. It is a simple fact. They are harder. Their recovery time is much shorter. If they like something, they want more of it.
Another aspect is that they are not yet disillusioned when it comes to sex. An older man will always think about the consequences.
He wants a lot
A younger man will just switch on the motor and go. When a younger man has the chance to have sex, he will want to make the most of it.
For you, that means long love-making sessions at a high frequency.
Sex seems more important when we are young. Here are some new things you should test What Do Younger Guys Like In Bed – 16 Excellent Tips

3. Smooth firm skin and a youthful appearance
I’m not going to lie; sometimes, you will look at him and think he looks like a kid. You will be a bit surprised by your ability to be attracted to him. He is really very young.
Sleeping with a man 20 years younger, you will be able to see his innocent appearance and feel the elasticity and smoothness of his skin.
Thats just facts. Don’t let them shock you or scare you.
Are you doing something wrong?
Men do this all the time, but for women, the sensation is weirder somehow. It is easy to start thinking that you are doing something a little bit wrong.
Remind yourself that he is a grown-up and he is there because he wants to be there with you.
The thing is, logically, you know you are just enjoying your life, but emotionally, things might still feel a bit strange.

4. A willingness to learn a lot of new tricks
One thing you can certainly expect when you are sleeping with a guy 20 years younger is that he will like to try new things.
What he lacks in experience, he will make up for in curiosity. Older men usually know what they need to become excited and have an orgasm. They are not always prepared to bet on something new.
A younger guy sleeping with an older woman will expect that you teach him new things or that the two of you try some new things together.
Do teach him how you like it.
But don’t assume you know everything about your sexuality.

5. An emotional rolleraoster
This is a somewhat harsh truth, but you need to hear it. I don’t know what your particular problem will become. Will he catch feelings? Will you catch feelings? (You might live happily ever after.)
But one thing I know for sure is that the emotions will run high. You will, in some sense, have to face your own mortality. (And that’s rarely a pleasant thing.)
Does he like you?
(If you are not yet sure if this younger guy wants to sleep with you, read our article How can you tell if a man is thinking about you sexually?)
You will feel alive and full of energy one day, only to second guess the whole operation the next day.
I don’t know exactly what it is that triggers this when you start sleeping with a younger guy.

He will make you reflect on yourself
It might even be that younger guys are more emotionally available. They are open to wherever life will take them.
We often feel things stronger when we are young.
But I do know that you will be surprised by the strength of your feelings. This might manifest itself in the form that you mourn for your younger self and for all the opportunities you were not brave enough to seize.
Feeling are good
This is not necessarily a bad thing. It is most likely a good thing.
Remind yourself of that when you spend the night crying.

6. A lack of understanding of the female orgasm
I’m going to make a bit of generalization here, but that’s what we need to have a chance to properly assess this situation we are getting into.
A lot of young men grew up watching porn. In porn, women are ecstatic just being pounded. They act like it feels incredibly great to get some 🍆.
In real life, this form of sex can feel amazing, for sure. But it can also feel like not much at all. It is seldom enough with just penetration to reach an earth-shattering orgasm.
And, PiV sex only makes you ecstatic after a long foreplay. You might have to be the first woman to tell his this simple fact.

Older men know the truth
Almost all older men have caught up to this at some point. Maybe they themselves need a longer time to get in the mood. Most likely, their ex has told them how things work in reality.
With a younger guy, if the guy is super excited, he usually thinks that you are as well. That’s just how humans are; we expect other people to be at our emotional level.
You might have to be the woman to break it to him that it takes much more work to make a woman satisfied in bed.

7. Your own insecurities will come up
You probably think you are happy with your looks, you are a confident person who has grown into her own unqiue beuty.
I know that’s what I thought about myself. I was sure that I didn’t care about soggy skin and cellulitis and weird depositions of fat stored for a rainy day.
Turns out I do care.

Expensive skincare, anyone?
I had only slept with a younger guy once, when I started browsing for lipstick and jewelry. (And some creams that promise the fountain of youth for only 400 dollars. Cheap, right?)
Sleeping with a guy 20 years younger will bring up all the insecurities you didn’t even know you had.
The good thing is that you will have the opportunity to heal any negative emotions that come up.

8. People will pass judgment on you
I didnt expect this to happen, my friends are cool. My relatives dont care about whats clearly my business, or so i hought. But sleeping with a guy 20 years younger than you is a surprisingly sensitive topic.
A lot of people will have an opinion.
My conclusion was that the ones close to me wanted everything to have a purpose. They wanted to know about my end-game.
I told them my guy, and I were just having fun and enjoying each other’s company. For a lot of people, that was not enough.
Maybe it was the hedonistic aspect that was provoking?

What about the kids?
If there are kids involved, people will be even more judgmental. Sleeping with someone at the same age as your kids is not a good look according to the general society.
Especially not if you are a woman.
Even some people you thought were cool will exhibit this behavior.
Maybe they are just jealous?

9. You will discover new things about your sexuality
There were some things I was sure that I didn’t like. Turn out that I was wrong. A younger guy will help you to see things in a new light.
Our sexuality is a fluid landscape. As we age, some things change. This change becomes extra apparent with a much younger guy.
He and his sexuality will push you a bit. Consider that you might have grown too comfortable in what you think you like.
Be open to experimenting now when you have a chance.
Check out my article 13 Things guys like in bed but won’t ask for.

10. He might catch feelings
You made it this far, so let’s address the elephant in the room. 20 years is a big age gap. It is possible to overcome, but that’s a whole other question.
So, for now, let’s just focus on the fact that sex has a tendency to lead to feelings.
You might be surprised to discover that he is the one who ends up falling in love. Young guys can be surprisingly sensitive and romantic.
Do expect romance.

11. You might catch feelings
On the other hand, statistically, you ae more likely to end up as the one who cares the most. On a biological level, sex is designed to make us feel attached to our partner.
It is hard to have sex without an onslaught of love hormones.
You might be sure that you will absolutely not fall for him. (I was absolutely sure.)
But feelings are natural; avoiding them is unnatural. Be prepared for this when you consider sleeping with a guy 20 years younger.
This is a warning, not a reason why you shouldn’t go ahead. I think you should.

12. He will be mature one moment, only to be childish the next
Right now, you are probably thinking that he is more mature than some 50-year-old men you met.
Hell, he is more mature than your own father.
The two of you talk about deep subjects, and the intellectual side of your relationship is stimulating.
Not only is he emotionally mature, he knows a lot about what’s going on in society right now. The finger on the pulse and all that.

He is still 20 years younger
Yes, he is mature, but he is still also young. This will show in some ways. He might be irresponsible with money, naive or overly optimistic.
He might resort to playing video games or booking a spontaneous trip to Rome (for himself.)
Don’t expect his maturity level to be constant.
He is, after all, just at the beginning of his life. (Compared to anyone 20 years senior.)

13. There will be great chemistry
I don’t know you, and I don’t know him, but one thing I can say for sure is that the two of you have amazing chemistry.
His eyes are the most wonderful thing you ever seen. His lips are sensual and yummy. And his brilliant mind brings you surprises.
The strangest thing of all is that he seems to feel exactly the same way about you.
Sparks fly, and your conversations are electric. Everything seems to be charged with meaning. Can it be destiny?
You usually have strong reasons when you do something out of the norm. And your reason for doing this is the magnetic pull you feel towards him.

14. You will be surprised about how much you have in common
It is a common misconception that people of different ages are vastly different. You will realize this when you start sleeping with a guy 20 years younger.
You may watch different movies or listen to different music. Most likely, you hang out in different places.
But all those things are surface level, and you might even discover that he also knows about ”your” music.
A man interested in older women usually knows a lot of ”vintage” culture.
When you dig deeper, you find that humans are similar; we all have sorrows and things we think are funny.
What’s more, something brought you together, and that something will. It will make you feel like you actually have a lot in common.

15. He will be willing to talk about his feelings
Younger guys are brought up differently. They are encouraged to be in contact with their emotions to a much bigger degree. (Yes, once again, a bit of a generalization, but this is the main difference between a 20-year-old man and a 69-year-old man.)
Don’t be surprised if your younger guy suggests that you talk about your relationship.
The new generation is much more emotionally literate. They are likely to have been in therapy; at the very least, they know a lot of the new therapy buzzwords. They are familiar with concepts such as generational trauma, triggers, and core wounds.

16. You will feel seen as a human being
The mere fact that he has chosen to sleep with someone 20 years older means he is not pushing an agenda.
He chooses you for you.
He saw something unique in you.
As a result, he will be much more interested in you than your average old guy. You will feel like he is fascinated by you.
It is a powerful feeling to have, so be prepared for it.
A final note on sleeping with a guy 20 years younger
At the beginning of this article, I asked if we would be ready for this unique situation. “Do you have what it takes to keep up?”
Now that we have looked at all these different aspects and hard truths, You are ready.
It is good to be prepared, but it is even better to just live.

Moa Ailert is the founder and editor-in-chief of Her Brilliant Friend.
She has a bachelor’s degree in philosophy and plenty of insight into human psychology from traveling and living in different places around the world.
Moa is currently based in Portugal where she has a guesthouse; Villa dos Irmaos.
She has various websites, among others Ericeira Insider, but Her brilliant friend is her true passion project.